What are we? (tw?)

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The coming weeks were filled with me and Gwendoline spending time together, kissing and cuddling every chance we got.

Nikolaj and Catherine didn't leave, even when I told them too, being nosy little sods.

Gwendoline was everything I dreamed of, even though I knew that. She was kind, loving, cute, cuddly, clingy, which I loved, but knew her boundaries.

We would spend our evenings either out by the pool, splashing around or curled up in my bed, watching movies. Or our bed.

Gwendoline spent most nights in my room, me curled up in her arms. I was really starting to think this was real.

"Olivia!" Nikolaj calls as he strides towards me.

"What Nik?" I groan.

"What's all this playing around huh?"

"What do you mean?" I'm so confused.

"Well you and Gwendoline are all lovey dovey but haven't actually been on a date, you haven't been seen in public with Gwendoline since the shopping trip and no one has seen you! There's rumours of you dating. So what are you going to do?"

"Me and Gwen are just working it out, taking our time. I haven't been seen in public because I don't necessarily want to. Attempting to kill yourself does that Nik! Although I'm getting better, I can't face everyone. And about the rumours, my phone will ring in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." And my phone rang, it was my dad.

He was asking about the rumours.

O: Well we technically are dad but we haven't been on any dates and I don't know what we are.

D: Well I'll shut them down for now, I hope it works out for you, you seem happy, I can tell.

O: Love you bye!

I smiled and went to find the most gorgeous person in the world.

"Oh Gwenny!" I announce as I walk into our room.

She was sat on the bed, crying?

I rushed over and held her in my arms. Until her breathing slowed, I just made sure she was OK.

"What happened Gwenny?"

"T-th-they d-dont want u-us t-toget-together." She stutters.

"Who baby?"

"Th-the pu-public. Th-they a-are sa-saying I'm a-a gold digger and I'm too ugly for you." She mumbles, tears reappearing.

"Well for all they know these are just rumours. My dad will get them shut down. And my dear Gwenny, you aren't too ugly for me, you aren't ugly at all. In my eyes you are the most perfect person to exist." I smile brightly at her and she just cries again.

"You're too good for me." She sobs.

I just smile and lay back. She's curled up in my arms for once when I turned on the TV. I felt like watching Great British Bake Off because why not!

Me and Gwendoline sat and watched, laughing when they messed up cheering for their favourites.

"Can we do that?" Gwendoline looks ap at me, giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"What baking?"


"How about tomorrow we make some cakes? Let Nikolaj and Cathy test them huh?" She nods eagerly and I smiled.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She echoed happily.

"Anything to make my precious angel happy."

We fell asleep watch the show, once again, bodies entwined.

The Boss (Gwendoline Christie x oc)Where stories live. Discover now