Hits different (Tw)

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Tw: hints towards alcoholism and mentions of SH relapse

Gwendoline's pov


Somehow, me and Olivia got into a massive fight and she kicked me out. I didn't mean to hurt her, I love her so much.

But now I was wandering around the lobby, not knowing where to go. If I left, he or anyone else could sneak up behind me. But I couldn't go back to our room.

I sat in one of the comfy chairs and fell asleep.

About 4 am, I felt a weight ontop of me. Opening my eyes, I saw Olivia sat on my lap.

"My loveeeee you're awake! I misssssed you!" She slurs, probably a bit too loudly.

"Olivia, are you drunk?" I sat up angrily.

"NO! I only had like-" She started counting on her fingers.

"This many." She held up 8 fingers proudly.

"What did you drink?"

"The orange one! Or is it brown? It comes in a glass though."


She nods eagerly.

"God I forgot you are a happy drunk."

I helped her off of my lap and up to the room. As I laid her in bed, the phone rang next to us. Olivia picked it up.



"Yeah! I want to see her!"



She puts the phone down and is smiling stupid.

"What is it Olivia?" I ask.

"She's here!" She giggles and then someone knocked and opened the door.

"TAY TAY!" Olivia squealed as Taylor fucking Swift walked through.

"How much have you had to drink?" She sighed and sat down next to Olivia.

"She said 8 whiskeys." I sighed.

"Nuh uh!" Olivia says and starts counting.

"This many!" She giggles and holds up 10 fingers.

"10! OLIVIA LARISSA SPIELBERG! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!" I yelled, angry that she drunk that much and that she lied.

"She'll be ok Gwendoline. She'll be really happy and then she'll basically crash and become sad, then vomit, then sleep. It happens every so often." Taylor offers a small smile.

"Ok. I'm sorry she dragged you here, I know she's working with you right now."

"It's ok and I know how tired she is."

"HEY! I am here you know." Olivia shouts.

"Olivia honey, let's go to sleep." I whispered and tried to tuck her under the duvet.

"Nooo! Taylor just got here!" She whined.

"Sleep. Now." Taylor added.

"NOOOO!" And she burst into tears, ranting about the most unusual things.

Then ran to the bathroom.

Then once cleaned up, pulled me into bed with her and fell asleep. Taylor went to the room Olivia was originally going to take and went to bed.

In the morning, I was awoken with landing on the floor.

"Get out my bed!"

"Olivia, what's happening?"

"I don't know, I don't know!" She started to cry. She wrapped her arms around her knees and started to cry quietly.

I stood up and went to wrap my arms aroumd her.

"Get off me! I'm ugly!" She sobbed, pushing me away.

I knew she would only let a few people near her at these moments, and today it wasn't me. I texted Taylor off of her phone and Taylor came down in minutes.

"Livvy? Can you tell me what happened?" She sat next to her and pulled her into her arms.

"Without Gwen." She whispered between sobbed and I stepped outside.

Olivia's pov

"So can you tell me?" Taylor asked softly.

"I did it. I relapsed. Its been almost 6 years! Why did I do it? Then I turned to alcohol to make the guilt go away. Then I felt worse. There's nothing wrong, my life was going good, I suppose. I mean I still really didn't trust Gwen but like– she really tried to be better but then again, everything with Giles and I was just so tired and exhausted. It was like having a child. I couldn't do it. Then I lashed out and so did she. I mean I've had heated arguments with people before, I've abandoned people, they've left me but nothing hurt more than her leaving, and not even fighting to stay. I know I wasn't in the right mind. But it hurt. And sometimes, watching the blood seep slowly out of you makes the pain go away. But then the guilt set in, like it always does. Then I'm always a happy energetic drunk so 10 whiskeys really wasn't the nest idea. Then I pushed Gwen out of bed. Then I pushed her away. I just feel so bad. I'VE NEVER FELT LIKE THIS BEFORE!" I sobbed, ranting along.

"Livvy, you've had a pretty shitty year. Its ok to be in pain and struggling to express your feelings especially when you feel they aren't valid. But you've been through a lot in your life. And I know it might not feel like it's valid, you grew up rich, you are rich, you've got a successful career. But it doesn't mean you're pain hurts any less or is any less invalid."

"God how is someone so young so wise!" I laugh.

"I'm less than 10 years younger than you!"

"Yeah but you are 31, almost 32. I'm nearly 40! When did I get so old?" I laugh to myself.

"I don't know, it feels like yesterday that 17 year old me and my team was contacted by your team about working together! I was so scared, I loved you for years, i admired you so much!"

"I'm flattered. I've loved you and you're music since, I don't know, forever! You are so talented."

"So you won't mid if I turn this into a song?"

"What?" I said, almost laughing.

"Well about how it never hurt this much until her. I think I might call it 'Hits different'." She looks at me inquisitivly.

"Sounds good, although in the song, it had no relation to me."

"Yayy! Thank you!" She smiles.

"Thank you for helping me. But can you stay while I tell Gwen, I'm scared."

"Of course."

1000 words

These chapters keep having plot twists that I don't realise was happening until I'm finished.

The Boss (Gwendoline Christie x oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang