The Boss

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Me and Gwendoline became a lot closer during Season 3. Whenever both of us had a day off, we would go out for coffee.

Sadly, it came to the end when I was killed, by no one other than her. She wasn't as happy about this than at the read through but still went through with it.

After the premiere, my Game of Thrones career was done, or I thought it was.

I had a few big projects over the next two years. I had a film and a TV show to direct and I'd also booked a major movie role, the director being no one other than my dad.

Me and Gwendoline never had time anymore, so the coffee dates, if you could even call them that, came to a halt.

The next time I saw her was the season 4 premiere. I was lucky enough to be invited back and she practically jumped into my arms at my return. We spent as much of the evening together as we could and it was really nice.

We then met up for coffee once during after that, before the season 5 premiere, which I was invited to yet again. We again spent the whole evening together.

A few weeks later I got a call from the producers. I was confused but intrigued so eagerly answered. I knew it must be important if they were calling me not my manager. They had invited me back to direct season 6 and future ones if the show continued.

I had kept it a secret the whole time and I was excited for my first day back.

I arrived earlier than everyone else. They hadn't wanted me to attend the read throughs, as they wanted it to be a surprise apparently.

I sat in the green room and as everyone arrived they rushed up to say hello but I just stayed silent. It was hard to hold in a giggle or two, finding it hilarious.

As I could see more people arriving, I spotted the person I was most excited to see, Gwendoline. I saw her beautiful eyes widen at my presence. I just gave her a cheeky wink before looking away.

After a quick briefing for the day, I go check the first scene I'm working on and start talking with the crew. I knew most of them from other films or when I was onthe show.

As it turns out, my first actor to arrive was Gwendoline.

"Hey you OK?" I ask, pulling her in for a hug.

"Yeah yeah all good." She mumbles and pulls away almost immediately. I brush it off although a little hurt.

"Olivia!" Someone yells and I see Nikolaj rushing towards me.

"What do you want?" I laugh as he embraces me.

"You are back! Why did no ome tell me?"

"No one knew but you aren't even in this scene you twit, go to wherever you are supposed to be." I laugh, giving a slap on his arm before he leaves and we were both laughing.

After a while, everyone who was needed was ready for filming. Gwendoline kept her distance throughout the shoot but I had bugger things to worry about.

The day dragged on and more and more scenes were shot.

By the end of the day, I was shattered but thought I would go invite my favourite blonde out for coffee.

"Hey Gwen! Wanna go get coffee?" I catch up to her as she leaves.

"No." She says bluntly.

"Come on Gwen, we haven't been out for ages!" I groan in annoyance.

"You are my boss now so it will be weird and I need to get home to my boyfriend!" She snaps.

My chest felt tight and my breathing quickened as I ran off to find Alex.

"Alex!" I call as I see her in the distance.

"Oh my Olivia, what happened?" She takes me in her arms and sits me down on a bench nearby. 

"She's got a boyfriend." I pant out through choppy breaths.

"Who?" Alex looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Gwendoline and she won't talk to me and she has a boyfriend Alex Oh my god!" I cry out, bursting into tears.

She holds me close as I cry, finally cracking. I knew I had a few feelings for Gwendoline but nothing major. We were close, we stopped fighting and she was kind and pretty but that was about it.

After I poured my heart out, Alex took me back to the hotel I was at.

I took a long shower before going straight to bed. This was going to be a long few months.

777 words

Short and not sweet

The Boss (Gwendoline Christie x oc)Where stories live. Discover now