Nepotism baby

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Olivia Spielberg had appeared in a lot of movies and TV shows from a young age. Her father Steven, had given her roles in his films and she'd already built a name for herself.

She went everywhere with her father and they were very close. As Olivia grew older, she started landing roles for herself.

She made many friends and contacts and by the age of 14, was worth 75 million.

At age 25, Olivia started wanting to follow in her father's footsteps. She continued to act but would also help her father with his films.

After a few years of helping, she started getting credited in these films and getting more jobs on her own, winning more awards and gathering further fame.

In 2011, Olivia landed an acting job in new TV series, Game Of Thrones.

And that's where our story starts.

It was my first day on the set of Game of Thrones. I was anxious although I had done this millions of times.

The hardest part was getting to set as I was constantly followed by the paparazzi. My father even came to my first day, which shocked me.

"Good luck sweetheart, you'll be amazing." He hugs me before I get out the car.
"Thank you dad, I will see you soon, I love you."

I walked through security with ease before going to join the cast.

This was the second season of the show and I was told by my agent that they just had to have me.

I'd met them all at the read through a while ago and they were very kind.

Once I'd arrived, the producers spoke with us and explained the first day of filming before sending us off to different places.

I ended up in wardrobe with someone else. She was very tall, blonde hair and blue eyes.

When she heard me enter, she turned and grimaced.

"Oh it's you." She looks me up and down in disgust.

"What do you mean by that?" I reply, slightly offened.

"Just that it's you and you probably think you are better than all of us just because of your dad. That's probably how you got this role." She says snarkily.

"No I don't, I mean I'm thankful for my dad and the start in life but I got this role fair and square." I replied angrily.

"Yeah, you aren't even that good of an actor, or a director if I must say."

I gasped. How dare she talk to me like that! I held my anger in though, I didn't need any drama right now.

After that little encounter in wardrobe, I avoided her for the rest of the day. And then the week.

She was just so annoying. Her height was just so ugh. And her figure was just eugh. Actually, she had quite a nice figure. But  I hated her guts.

Although she was a bitch, I saw her staring at me from across the set quite a lot. But when she saw that I had seen, she turned away and grimaced. It made me giggle all the time.

Filming for the season went fast and wrapped after just about 5 months. It wasn't one of the most pleasant experiences I'd had on a set, having filmed into the dark of the night in wet and windy Ireland but I pushed through. It was a very rewarding feeling when it was over.

She walked over to me on the last day of filming, which was surprising.

"Great work Spielberg, great work." She said sarcastically.

"Thanks Christie, at least I know I did better than you and I mean, I didn't even go to acting school!" I chuckled.

"You have no right to comment on my acting, you are a nepotism baby." She snaps.

"I might be but besides my dad's awards, I've actually already had 3 Oscar nominations, one of which I won, best supporting actress. 5 Emmy nominations, which again, I won one of them. Measly compared to the 12 my dad has though. 2 golden globes and a BAFTA. What do you have Christie?" I say smugly.

"Well I- uh I- uh um I." She stutters embarrassed.

"Maybe one day you can compare to me Christie. See you at the premiere darling!" I give a smug grin and blow a kiss before leaving.

The next time I saw her was at the premiere. We both ignored eachother, except sharing the occasional look at eachother accompanied by a grimace from her.

We were positioned next to eachother during photos due to our height. I was 5'10 and she was 6'3. And that was without heels.

"Your dress isn't the most flattering." She murmurs as I walked away from the paparazzi.

"I could say the same about you." I reply expressionless.

"Well at least I actually tried." She huffs.

"Did you? Well goodbye for now Christie, see you when you've got a fashion sense!" I smirk and walk off.

But I felt something inside. It wasn't pure hatred. It almost felt like


864 words

Hey! First chapter completed. Hope it's to your guys liking and lives up to my other work. Love you all xx

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