Screaming and Fighting(TW)

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Gwendoline's pov

Olivia was so infuriating. She was so pretty and all I wanted was to have her in my bed but she could also be a little bossy bitch and I didn't like that.

She seems to have been singling me out recently for not working properly when  half tha cast are like it.

After seeing her at that dinner, it just felt worse. I felt bad that she knew Gikes and he later explained to me how close they used to be.

And it angered me that she was so close to Nikolaj, like closer than me and him. She was a lesbian, she told me. Or did she lie.

One day, she seemed extra pissy.

"Oh my god Gwendoline! Just listen to what you are being told to do! You are a better actress than this so show it!" She yells, rubbing her eyes.

I was so angry but didn't want to make a scene so just nodded and continued to act.

Once we were given a break, I saw Nik run over to her. He hugged her tightly and she winced a bit. Haha nik, she didn't like you.

But then he seemed worried, he whispered something to her before she nodded and fell into his arms.

He ushered her away and I was angry again. We used to be close, jumping I to eachothers arms whenever we saw eachothed. What happened? I wanted that to be me!

Someone else came to cover for Olivia as apparently she had some emergency and Nik went with her.

2 days later, Olivia is back and still bitchy.

"Gwendoline can't you do anything right?" She angrily whisper-yelled at me.

I just rolled my eyes, becoming angry again. I got yelled at twice more before the break. I decided to go talk to her. I trap her in an empty room.

"Why are you being such a bitch lately?" I snap, rage taking over.

"None of your business." She replies quietly.

"Well can you redirect your anger somewhere else, it's getting annoying. And why ere you missing?"

"None of your business  Gwendoline. Just leave." She sighed.

"What happened? We used to be so close and be best friends and it all stopped, why?" My voice became softer and quieter.

"Doesn't matter, we have to be professional now so let's go." She smiles but I know she's faking it.

"Can you get Nikolaj,  I need to tell him something." She asks quietly.

"Can't you get him yourself?" I sigh.

"Please? It's really important." She begs.

"I'm just gonna go."

I leave her there and I thinks she's crying. I don't get Nikolaj, it's not my problem. But I did go speak to him.

"Nik, why is Olivia so mean to me?" I ask, his eyes widening.

"I- um I- I don't know." He stutters scratching his neck.

"Nik tell me!"

"I- I don't know." He replies angering me.

"You do know, tell me!"

"I promised I wouldn't. But, its pretty obvious. Now where is she, I need to talk to her?"

"I don't know." I shrug and he sighs and leaves

Just as I was leaving, I saw Nik looking worried, pacing up and down.

"Nik, whats wrong?" I walk over.

"Olivia, she she she." He panics,

"What did she do Nik!?"

"I can't tell you." He gasps and I just leave, not my problem.

I go to my hotel and find Giles sat in the bed reading. I shower and join him and we cuddle under the duvet.

Over the next few weeks, Olivia I'd either really shouty at everyone besides Nik, especially at me, or really spaced out and quiet.

Everyone was worrying, this wasn't like her. One day, she was really shouting.


"CAN SOMEONE GET ME A DECENT ACTOR TO PLAY BRIENNE, MIGHT AS WELL QUIT GWENDOLINE! AND ALL OF YOU SHOUKD JUST QUIT!" She continues. Nikolaj hugs her and she just collapsed before bursting into tears.

He took her away and no one dared say anything or move. Her anger scared us all and we didn't know what to do.

At the end of the day, I saw her and went over.

"What is up with you? You can't just come into work and be a bitch towards us and then the next minute run off crying?"

"Gwendoline go." She mumbles, not looking at me.

"NO! Why are you so angry all the time? At me especially, I've done nothing wrong and I don't deserve to be treated that way. If you are going to be like this you should just quit and never come back, it would make all our lives easier!" I yelled angrily.

She started to cry and she ran off, towards her car.

I probably shouldn't have said any of that.  I knew Olivia had bad anxiety and I could tell she was a massive overthinker but hopefully she wouldn't take it badly, would she?

856 words

First Gwen pov!

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