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It was weird, wandering around the house without your dad. And with Gwendoline. It was nice, not being by myself buy I felt bad for putting everything on her.

I decided to ask her something one day.

"Hey." I said nervously walking up to her. She was leant against the kitchen counter drinking coffee.

"Hey." She put her coffee down and pulled me into a hug, I'd been getting lots of those recently. I was now stood in between her legs and I could feel myself becoming hot as I looked up at her.

"I was just wandering, do you want to have a pool day with me? There's a swim up bar and I'll get someone to get us lunch." I mumble, not daring to look into her eyes.

"Sure darling, can we just go shopping first? I didn't bring anything to swim in!" She laughed and i smiled.

I was? Happy? No. But better.

"But can't Giles drop one off?" I ask as we walk to the car.

"Umm no me and Giles just aren't-" She stopped as we reached the car.

"Oh Gwen come here." I pulled her into my arms as she sobbed.

I helped her into the car and the driver started heading towards the mall.

Gwendoline cried in my arms most of the way there. I just held her, comforting her.

She stopped a few miles away from the mall.

"It's gonna be ok Gwen, we are gonna forget about him, he's not worth it. To new beginnings!" I smile and she gives a small nod.

We both hopped out the car once it rolled to a stop and strolled inside.

I hoped I wouldn't get noticed but being famous and having another famous person, who is also 6'3 next to you isn't the easiest was to go unnoticed.

I had called Alex earlier to meet us there and she waiting outside the Starbucks.

"Hey Alex, we are gonna get in the pool later enjoy relaxing for a while, wanna join?" I say in a slight whisper.

"I'm fine, I have a date anyway." She shrugs.

"Oooooo." I tease.

"Shut up and let's shop."

I drag Gwendoline all around the mall, looking through every shop and making her try on anything she liked.

Then I dragged her into Chanel as I needed some new shoes.

"Olivia! Can we actually go bikini shopping now?" She sighs, dragging the millions of bags she had full of stuff I had bought her.

"Well we have the Season 6 premiere soon dumbass and I don't have any shoes."

"I found your walk in closet this morning, there's 50 pairs in there alone, I counted."

"Yeah but I want a different style and also you need shoes."

"No I don't." She sighed.

"Yes, yes you do. Now go pick 3 pairs and go put them behind the counter. Tell them to put it on my card."

"You shop here so much they just have your card on file?" She gasps and I just give a small giggle.

"Yeah yeah, I have a shopping addiction sue me."

I didn't get any shoes and instead stood with Claire, the sales assistant I'm close with and we watched Gwendoline look through them.

"So are you dating yet?"

"No, I had a little incident as you've probably heard and she's looking after me. She just broke up with her boyfriend and it's awkward. I want to make a move but it feels soon." I sigh and Gwendoline waddles over.

"I picked some but they only had one pair in my size." She sighed.

"Claire can sort you out with ones in your size, and go pick more." I shoo her away with Claire.

I sit and watch Gwendoline shop like a little child. It warmed my heart. I made a promise to myself, to stay clean for her.

Alex had been waiting outside so I went to join her. We stood and watched everyone, me receiving a lot of stares.

I just laughed.

"How are you?" Alex asked.

"She's helping."

"Are you falling again?"

"I never stopped." I sighed, looking back in the store with a smile.

"You're living with her and she's going through a break up, you need to be careful." She warns.

"I know I know but I can't help it. She's just perfect."

Gwendoline approached with Claire and 5 bags.

"I got a few more, is that ok?" Shs asks nervously.

"Thats fine. Now let's finally go shopping for bikinis!" I smiled and so did she.

"Olivia where is your stuff?" Gwen asks as we were walking.

"I didn't get anything." I shrugged, continuing to walk.

She grabbed my arm and turned me to face her.

"Can we go back then, I feel bad." She whispers, looking scared.

"Gwen, I have enough stuff, trust me. You deserve to have a little treat once in a while." I smile.

She just nods and I took some bags off of her, helping her carry them.

"Why are you even shopping in the mall, isn't it like dangerous?" Gwendoline laughs.

"Believe it or not, I enjoy it, feeling like a normal human." I browsed the aisles for a bikini.

We both looked until I found a white one and Gwendoline found a matching blue one.

"Olivia, don't you need a dress for your birthday?" Alex asks as you walk back to the car.

"Fuck shit I forgot."

"It's your birthday?" Gwendoline looks upset she didnt know.

"No, it was on the third but I had some time off from the show now so I was having a late birthday party although it's not a big birthday!" I laugh.

"What are you doing?"

"Just a big house party basically. I don't even know who's coming to be honest. Cathy did the list. There's a buffet and dj and lots of alcohol." I said and me and Gwen both got in the car.

"Am I invited?" She asked.

"Of course Gwen, let me sort out your dress, you just sit and be pretty."

She blushed at my compliment and I smirked to myself. We got back to the house and I rung Cathy.

O: Hey Cathy, do you have a guest list for tomorrow?

C: Hey Liv, yeah I do, is it still happening after the whole situation?

O: Yeah and can you and the kids come over early?

C: Sure liv, see you tomorrow!

O: Bye Cathy!

I hung up and I went to find Gwendoline who was in her room, wearing one of the dresses you had bought her.

"You look beautiful." I smiled, falling onto her bed.

She was really going to the death of me.

She's my kryptonite.

1130 words

Cute bonding, we are happy again

The Boss (Gwendoline Christie x oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora