Jakob Toretto

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This imagine isn't an x reader and is only about Jakob with Dom and and some others.

Requested by marinoselina2008

Warning this is long.

Dom stared ahead of him at the dresser drawer.

On it was a photo of Dom, Mia, Jakob and their dad, before the accident that would eventually claim his life.

That was until Dom learned that that in fact he wasn't killed by Kenny on purpose (well at least not on purpose) but that Jakob had tampered with their dad's car before the race.

This angered Dom, which led him to kicking Jakob out, despite Jakob protesting that he didn't mean to.

Jakob was upset, he wanted to redeem himself to Dom but Dom wasn't having it.Jakob ended up driving of that night crying and angered.

Actually after leaving he met Clara, a Beutiful woman who had a knack for street racing like Jakob.

The two married and had a son, whom they named Jamie Toretto who was born September 12th 1994.

Their life was normal, Jakob and Clara both had Jobs and making a living, all things that normal people do.

Jakob had left behind street racing as anything associated with it brought back memories of THAT night.

Dom had been talking to Mia when she said "Jakob had a baby and he is the cutest kid I have a photo-"

Dom blanked out, Jakob had a kid?
That Kid is not safe with his Father as he is dangerous.

Mia looked at him "Dom-"

"We need to take the kid" Dom said

Mia widened her eyes shocked "Dom you can't do that, that's his kid you cant just go and take his kid"

"Jakob is dangerous, he can't be a father if he is a threat" Dom said scowling "I want that kid to be safe"

"Dom do you fucking hear yourself, that is a horrible thing to say" she said appalled

"I'm taking the kid weather you like it or not" Dom stomped out of the room and got into his car and drove off to Carson City Nevada. (Quite ironic since Dom had his son kidnapped in fast 8 😂😭)

Jamie Cooed up at his mother who look down at him at his crib and smiled.

"I know, daddy will be home soon" she stroked his cheek.

She heard the door open and shut "That sounds like him now"

She walked out of the room "Hey Baby how was your day-"

She stopped mid sentence and stared at Dom who was staring back.

"Uhh who are you" she asked

"I'm Jakob's older brother Dom and that kid isn't safe here with him"

Clara laughed "what are you talking about"

"MOVE!" Dom shouted as he punched her in the face.

He heard a sickening crack as he pulled back his fist

"Shit" he mumbled under his breath.

He walked into Jamie's room before scooping up the baby and running back to the car and driving off.

When Jakob got home, he was horrified, his wife on the ground covered in blood.

He rushed over to her "baby What happened?"

"D-dom, to-ook, B-b-baby" she said before her final breath.

Jakob burst into tears before growling "Dont worry Dom, I'll get my revenge"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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