Han Seol-oh X Requested Reader

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Thus is for Savgecutieab who asked to surprise them.

Abby's POV
I sat across from Han who stared at me smiling as Dom spoke. I blushed and tried covering my face with my hands.

Dom Obvisouly noticed me "What's Wrong Abby".

"Nothing" I said quickly turning back into my usual self.

Dom turned his head to the others and continued Speaking until we got into our cars and drove to Owen Shaws hideout with the help of Deckard who tracked his brother at all times.

After arriving I got out of the car and walked towards the door. I pulled out my gun from my holster and walked slowly closer to the door.

The others followed way behind and had their weapons readied as well. Han was Next to me and I could feel him breathing on my cheek.

I have to admit...his breath smelt nice, like strawberries. I fought the urge to kiss him and continued until I got to the wall near the door.

The others went in and survallianced the area. Deckard went first since it was his brother.

Owen appeared before us, smiling like a cold-hearted person he is. Deckard stared and his little brother.

Owen stared at Deckard "Big Brother, i'v missed you, the last time I saw you was when you betrayed me for them". Owen gestured to the team.

"I only betrayed you because you went to far, Owen" Deckard said.

Han Got closer to me as Owen made his way towards Deckard frowning.

"Oh Deckard, you know when you betray me it leads to something...much...worse" Owen said.

"But just because tour my brother doesn't mean I'm going to let you out ALIVE" he emphasised the last Word and drew his gun.

I widened my eyes and jumped in front of Deckard Just as Owen pulled the trigger.

I screamed in pain as the bullet hit my body. Luckily it was only my leg and not alot of blood seemed to come out.

Hans eyes widened and he drew his gun and shot Owen in the 2 legs he had (lol)

Owen shouted in pain and defeat as Dom picked him up and growing him over his shoulder.

"Where are you taking me" Owen demanded

"To police" Dom said laughing.

"NOOOOO" Owen shouted as Dom and him faded further and further away.

I winched In pain and han rushed over and helped me up "Are you ok Abby".

"Does it look like I'm ok" I laughed dryly.

Han smiled sheepishly "Oh hehehe".

I groaned as Han picked me up and put me on the bench "Ok Letty go get me a first aid".

Letty nodded and ran to her car and grabbed a first aid kit and handed it to Hans.

Han grabbed out some stitches alcohol and a needle.

First Han poured alcohol onto the wound and then stitched it up.

He smiled "there all better".

"Thank you'd breathed out and met his gaze.

Han and I looked at each other  before leaning In. Our lips met in the middle and han put one hand on my face and I put one hand on his neck.

We pulled apart and Han said "Abby, will you be my Girlfriend"

"Of course I will Han" I said Smiling ad he gave me another sweet kiss.

Letty spoke up "guys, we can leave now"

Me and han Nodded. Han turned to me "HEY meet me at my place in 20" and then he left.

I got into my car and drove about 20 minutes reaching hans house. Before I could knock Han opened the door pulled me in and pinned me against wall kissing me Passionately.

I fought back and then he carried us into his room.

I'm going to end there and I hope you liked it. Sorry its a little short.

The next chapter after this one is going to be Dom and someone (and I know who). So until then...BYE😊

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