Tej Parker x Female Reader

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Request for ashleighxxx_. I hope you like this 😊

Y/N 's POV
I sat with Roman talking about the plan to take down Owen Shaw. I felt someone stare at me and it made me feel uneasy.

I look up to see Tej looking at me. If I'm honest, he looked angry and...sad at the same time.

I felt myself frown as I looked at him and looked down to focas on the plan.
I didn't really hear much of what Roman but I did hear a little bit.

"And then we infiltrate his hideout" Roman said to the team.

I smiled at Roman as he finished his sentence. Roman turned back to be and smiled.

After the Meeting was done I saw walk out. "Hey Tej wait up" I said but he glared at me and walked off.

What was his problem?

When everyone was out of site, I sat down and cryed. Had I done something wrong?

I heard someone approach me. I looked up and saw Brian.

"Hey...what's Wrong?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Tej i-i-i-ignored me-e" I sobbed. Brian's face went from comforting to pissed off.

Brian got up as fast as he could and walked off.


"TO TALK TO TEJ!" Yelled Brian.

Authors POV

Brian walked up to Tej with a scowl on his face. Tej turned around when he heard Brian approach.

"Hey man what's u-oh you don't look happy" Tej said.

"Because I'm not" Brian said angrily

"At who?" Tej asked

"At you" Brian spoke.


"Because you ignored (Y/N)" Brian growled.

"Yeah....so" Tej said

"You made her cry" Brian told him

Tej heart broke. He didn't mean to Make you upset. He let his jealousy get the best of him.

He was jealous that you and Roman talked to eachother. He didnt want to lose you because...well...he loved you.

Everytime he saw you with Roman his heart would start ripping itself apart. He couldn't take the pain after months of it so today he decided that he would Ignore you, and not with the intention of hurting you.

Brian stared at him " Why did you do it?"

Tej stayed silent. Brian asked him again "Why did you do it?"

"Because I got jealous of her and Roman being together and I FU-KING love her ok!" Tej shouted.

Brian smirked "You have a crush on (Y/N)"

Tej nodded and Brian smiled "Well come on"

Brian walked away using a hand to tell Tej to follow him. Tej was hesitant before walking off with Brian.

Y/N 's POV (again)

Brian had been gone for quite sometime until I heard not one but two pairs of footsteps coming toward me.

I didnt want to look up but a finger hooked underneath my chin pulling my Gaze up.

I blushed when my Gaze was pulled up to see Tej standing there looking into my eyes.

I tried so hard not to kiss him but he spoke up "(Y/N), I am so sorry for treating you like shit, i just got jealous that you and Roman liked eachother and it hurt me..deep down"

I felt bad for him and spoke up and smiled "Tej, I forgive you but next time tell me what is wrong".

Tej smiled "Thank you for forgiving me"

"Tej, shut up and kiss me" i said.

Tej smiled and leaned in his lips colliding with mine in a passionate kiss full of love and unspoken words.

The kiss got heated to the point tej climbed right on top of me.

We then heard Brian shout "YEAH I JUST SAVED A RELATIONSHIP"!

Me and Tej Looked at him and Brian cleared his throat.

"I-uh sorry" he said and ran like a bullet (funny that his nickname is bullet).

"Uh O'conner" I muttered as Tej  laughed.

It was just the two of us now to enjoy each others company

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