Letty X Requested Reader

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For prodigybitxhhh. ENJOY!

Zara's POV
I sat on the Ground writhing in pain. Currently me and letty where trying to take down a enemy who works for Owen Shaw.

I looked at Letty who was trying to pull the leaver but couldn't reach as she was pinned against the wall. I got up and Pulled the leaver grabbing the woman kicking her in the Abdomen.

She had quick reflexes and turned to face me and kicked me in Stomach. I fell to Ground and then Hobbs walked in.

"HEY!" He shouted throwing the gun at letty. Letty caught the gun and looked at the Woman.

"Wrong team bitch" She said before shooting her out of plane. The woman flew out screaming.

I looked at Letty smiling and she smiled back. Hobbs went to the side of the plane which was open and looked down at Tej and Roman. Dom approached us.

He turned to us "ITS ABOUT TO BLOW"

I grabbed Letty's hand just as Hobbs jumped out the plane. We jumped into the car below.

Letty and I looked up at Dom "DOM JUMP" Letty shouted. Dom just looked at her and Went after Owen.

"DOM!" I shouted. I stood their thinking of what to do "F!ck it I'm going to get it".

I used my grappling hook to get onto the plane and find Dom. Letty looked at me and shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ZARA!"

"TO HELP DOM!" I said "ALSO IF I DIE I WANT TO TELL YOU I LOVE YOU!" i said running to the cars. I found Owen in the front of one of the cars and Dom beating the Shit out of him with the steering wheel.

To finished the Job, I Karate kicked Owen in the head grabbing him and throwing him of the plane.

I looked at Dom who was looking at a nice Dodge Charger. He smiled at me And I smiled at him.

"Ready to go for a ride" he said

"Hell yeah" I said getting into the passenger.

The Plane Exploded and Dom started the car as fast as he could.

Dom looked towards the wall of the plane and sped right towards it breaking it in the process. I smiled seeing The team look up and smile. I saw they clearly were sad that they thought we died.

Suddenly the car rolled over being engulfed by the fire of the plane.

Me and Dom helped eachother out of the car and made it to Saftey as the plane burned.

From a distance i could hear Mia and Letty yell "NO!" followed by sobs of pain.

Me and Dom stared at the team watching as Letty and Mia broke down. I could see Brian tear up a bit to at the thought of losing his Best Friends.

Dom said "Should we make a dramatic entrance".  I smiled at the suggestion

"Yes We should" i said walking beside Dom.

We walked through the 'fire' and made a dramatic entrance (cue slow motion walk).

The Team looked up and smiled as we walked up to them.

"You both Know how to make a dramatic entrance, Dont you?" Said Tej

"Yep" me and Dom said at the same time.

I turned to letty who hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and took in the moment.

She pulled away from the hug and surprised me when she kissed my lips.

It was a slow kiss but enjoyable. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hers around my neck.

We pulled away and she said "I love you too". I smiled and we drove off home.

Me and letty got married a couple years later. Our favourite moment at our wedding was when Brian and Roman had a dance off.

Of course Roman won because...well...his Roman.

I held letty in my arms everyday since the plane and hoped to never let go.

Like Dom says 'i used to live my life a quarter mile at a time'

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