Dom x reader x Brian Part 2

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It had been 7 Months since the whole ordeal with Dom, 7 months since saying goodbye to your friends for the second time, 7 months since you found out you were Pregnant.

You thought about what happened. You were happy that you were with Brian because Dom seemed angry with you. Apprently Roman and Ten tried calling you.

Speaking of Brian, he was exited to be a dad and could wait till the baby was born. He adored your Stomach and how big it was and would rub it and kiss it. You were happy with your life and wanted it to stay that way.

Unfortnatley Brian and you were invited by Dom to go to a family barbeque.

You guys couldn't say no. You guys went to Dom's and were greeted by the others outside in the barbeque area.

"Hey (Y/N), omg your pregnant" said Roman

"Yes Roman is it that obvious" you laughed. The others laughed.

"How far along are you" asked Dom

"7 months" you replied

"7 MONTHS!" Everyone shouted eyes wide.

"Yeah only 2 more months to go" you smiled as Brian came up behind you and you tilted your head upwards and kissed his lips.

Everyone watched you to in awwww

"You both seem happy together so you guys are gonna be great parents" Mia smiled

"Thanks Mia" Brian said Smiling at her
Dom then asked to speak to Brian alone. Apprently Brian was asked to join the team and you too. You both said yes, but since you were Pregnant you had to do surveillance work.

^2 months later^

You sat in the warehouse waiting for any targets on the enemy. Suddenly a target picked up on the west.

"There's a target in the west Guys" Mia said into the walkie-talkie

"Ok Mia, thanks" Dom spoke back.

Finally the Dom and the others hit the target and you and Mia fist pumped the air and Roman was doing a little celebration dance.

An hour later while the otherels were in the middle of bringing down a plane, you felt something go down your leg. You were wearing shorts so it was easy to see what it was.

Panicking you turn to Mia and Roman "Guys...I think my water just Broke" you said

"WHAT!" They both shouted

All of a sudden you got a contraction and it hurt "AAAAAAAAHH". Roman Hugged her and you clung onto him.

"I'm going to radio Dom and Brian" Mia said. She picked up the walkie talkie "Guys...(Y/N)'s water just broke"

"OMG" you heard Dom say

"WHAT" you heard Brian say in the backround. He sounded panicked.

Finally Brian answered "OK MIA WHATS GOING ON"

"(Y/N)'s in Labour, im taking her to the hospital, we will meet you there" mia said

"Ok, i see you in see bit" Brian said

Mia turned off the device and took you to the car with Roman in the backseat with you comforting you.

You made it to the hospital and were put in a room. You had been in pain and it hurt. Eventually hours passed and you were waiting for Brian

"Ms (L/N) You nearly ready to have the baby, ill be back in 10" said the midwife and left. Brian came in just in time  and held your hand.

"Im Here, baby, I'm here" he soothed

A couple minutes later you began to have you child. Brian held your hand through the entire thing.

^2 hours later^
Brian held his daughter in his arms cooing at her. He couldn't stop saying how tiny she was (I was tiny I was 4 pounds and like 8 oz)

The others came to visit and Dom was the first to pick her up and hold her

"She's gourgous" Dom told you.

"I know" you smiled. Dom hugged you and congratulated you and then let the others hold her.

The others loved her very much. Mia was emotional because she was beside you when you Birthed your child.

Mia held her niece in her arms and just...cryed. although you didn't blame her.

A few months later you had a baptism party. You saw all your Family and friends.

You couldn't have asked for a better family

(Sorry that this was s#it)

Fast and Furious ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora