Tej X Fem!Reader

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You sat with Tej looking at the cameras. Tej had veen your boyfriend cir 2 years and hoped you would remaintoghteher till the end of time.

You then heard a the 'ding' of the elevator behind you and turned around to see Roman with a large gun.

Tej immediately sprung up " Hey don't touch that, that's nothing to play with man".

"What's the problem?" Roman replied.

"That's high tensil titanium cable" Tej  said.

"What does that mean"

"That what they use to anchor buildings and hold up bridges, stuff you know nothin' about " Tej said grabbing the gun off Roman.

You shook your head and muttered "his gonna kill someone accidently one day".

Tej continued to talk to Roman " see that a version(? Idk) , it works cool but mine, masterpiece" tej said. "See how I reverse the gears and twerk(Old what he said) the moters, and added this tank to the back" tej opened the back of the gun to reveal the tank in the gun.

"That makes it even sweeter" said the Grabbing the gun from Tej.

"It does" the said watching Roman observe the weapon. You smiled at the two of them.

"It's not dummy proof"

"Man I've been known to handle big guns, Relax" Roman said to Tej.

"You've Been know for that big ass head" Tej retorted back. You covered your mouth with your hands to keep yourself from laughing.

Then Han walked in "Hey Dom, I did some checking, asked around, got the location of the street ways tonight" he said.

As Dom was about to reply, Roman accidently pressed the guns trigger and launched the cable into the wall between Dom and Han. You face Palmed at Romans actions

"Roman your gonna kill someone one day" you said.

Roman then shoved the gun into your boyfriends hands and looked at Dom guilty.

Tej put the gun down and made his way over to you " hey baby" he said kissing your lips.

"Hey" you said and he sat down.

"You ready for tonight" he asked.

"Yes I am, I have come prepared" you said.

"Good" he said pressing his lips to yours. You guys were interuppted by Roman.

"Hey yo, get a room you two" he said. You and Two glared at him.

"Well then walk away" Tej said. Roman did.

^Timeskip to bringing down the plane^
Roman shot at the plane and lowered his gun.

"What happened" Tej said.

"You better buckle up" said Roman.

Meanwhile you were on the plane  beaten up the enemy (forgot her name) and saw that she was strangling Letty. You saw letty trying to reach for the side door leaver.

You decided to help her out and pull it for her. With that you both tried to knocked the woman out of the plane but she karate kicked letty in the stomach.

You grabbed the woman and twisted her arm and kicking her but she fought back.

"Hey" you turned to see Hobbs and he threw the gun at letty.

Letty reloaded the gun and said "Wrong team Bitch" before shooting her out of the plan. You heard her scream until the sound faded away.

Tej, Tej, Gisele and Han were still trying to bring the plane but one of the enemies began to punch Gisele and Han went to help her.

Brian (being driven by Mia to the plane) climbed on top of the car with a gun shot at the plane with luck

"Yeah"  he exclaimed.

You were busy trying to help letty redo we from her injuries before deciding to help the others.

Hobbs looked out the window and screamed "TEJ! KEEP IT STEADY" he turned back to you and letty "WE GOTTA MOVE ITS GOING DOWN"

"GO" Dom said and Hobbs jumped from the plane into the car Tej and Roman were in.

"GO NOW" Dom told you and letty and both of you held hands and jumped in the same car with Hobbs.

You look up at the plane and wait for Dom to jump.

"Come on" said letty shouted up at DoM. Dom didn't say anything and turned to the right to see Owen shaw. He turned and went after him.

"DOM!" You shouted.

Dom ran to Owen and began to beat him. He smashed Owens head into the steering wheel.

Seeing ahead of them that they were about to roll out of the plane, he grabbed the case and Owen flew out the front window and Dom got out before he that happened to him.

Seeing the engine explode you and letty exchange glances. This was possibly not going to end well for Dom and even all of you.

The Plane hit the ground and Mia looked trough the rear-vision mirror at the plane tears in her eyes and mouth open in Shock. Brian was the same.

You watched Tej as he focused ahead of him and getting you guys out alive. You and letty held eachother tight as you thought of Dom having tought he would be dead by this point.

You heard a bang and see a car coming trough the plane. You and letty smile knowing it was Dom who to your suprise was still alive. Then his car began to roll several times and Brian looked over his shoulder and turned around  with the 'oh my god what do we do' look.

You guys didn't see his car anymore and letty breathed sadly. You hugged her as she watched in horror.

You all skidded to a stop and watched the plane burn. You hugged tej and cried. You all had lost a friend and for letty she had lost a lover.

She cried and you hugged her and cried with her. She hugged you back tightly. You felt her tears soak your shirt but you didn't care. Tej hugged the both of you.

All of a sudden Dom approached before you. You nudge letty who looked up and gasped "DOM?". She hugged him tightly. All of you were happy he was still alive. Tej kissed you and smiled "that was one he'll of a night wasn't it"

"Certainly" I reply.

"Hey (Y/N) can I ask you a Question"he said.

"Yes" you said

"Well i ever since we met you have  been the most kind, sweet and Pretty girl I ever met and we have had our Ups and downs, so I just want to know....." he said and got down on one knee and grabbed a small box from his pocket opening it. You teared up at the sight.

"Will you marry me?" He said.

You cried "yes a million times yes"

He slid the ring on your finger. He kissed you lips. Your friends clapped and cheered.

That night turned out to be tthe worst and the best night of your life

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