Tej x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to supitslaura_. mention a user
Laura's POV
I sat in Tej's lap, cuddling into him. We were watching one if my favourites. I couldn't help but smile at My boyfriend looking Adorable, like he was perfect and I love him so much. I recently found out I was Pregnant and couldn't wait to tell Tej That he was going to be a father

Then Tej's Phone rang. He groaned and answered the phone "hello?". I could hear muffled voices coming trough the speaker on the phone. I couldnt really hear what they were saying but the voice sounded like Brian.

"Oh ok, im on my way" Tej said as he hung up.

"Let me guess, Roman got his sorry ass in trouble again" I said.

"Yep, that's the 3rd time this week" Tej said sighing.

"Whats wrong?" I  said.

"I just wanted a day with you, were are not needed, but it doesn't seem we can get time in with eachother" he said.

I put my hand on his "Tej, it's fine, we are in team were we will be needed alot, I understand" I said.

"Thanks Laura, I love you" he said

"Love you too" i said and he gave me a quick kiss on lips.

"Now Go, your needed" I said. Tej smiled and ran trough the front door and drove off.

I smiled. He had fallen for my trick. The phone call was actually for him to get out of the house and Brian helped me set it up a suprise pregnancy annocment.

Not long after  Tej left, Brian came over "Hey Laura" he smiled

"Hey Brian" I said smiling and we high-fived. We got to work on the suprise before Tej was due home.

We hung up a 'your going to be a dad' sign And streamers around the living room.

We heard a car pull up and I stood I front of the sign.

"Hey baby I'm home" Tej said as he walked in. He looked up to see the sign and the decorations.

He read the sign and eyes widened "Are you Pregnant"

"Yes I am"  I said.

Tej immediately hugged me. He kissed all of face before kissing my lips passionately. We pulled away as he mumbled "I love you".

^2 Months later^
I was watching the minutes and watching the team's every move towards the bad guy. Hey was close to one until i heard the run shot go off.

I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and a hand gripping my neck "DONT MOVE".

I screamed as I was taken away. Tej  had heard me and rushed to my side with Hobbs in tow.

He came back to not find me anywhere and got Hobbs to track my location. They did and I was in a containment building. They zoomed to me and were threatened by my captor.

"Let her go" Tej said. My Captor grinned "why would I, I could just kill her and the unborn child" he said.

Hobbs held a gun up "well then you have to go trough us first. Brian Arrived as Luke and Tej fight my Captor and Brian helped untie me "c'mon, let's get you out of here". He threw me over his shoulder and ran out of the building.

Brian took me to Mia who took a look at me "she has rope burn but nothing major" she got me something for my burns and I was good to go.

"Is the baby ok" Brian asked me concerned. He was so sweet.

"Yes Brian, it fine" I said. He smiled with relief.

Roman came in "Hey guys..so this place is about to blow up..um"

"WHAT!" Me,Brian and Mia shouted.

"We have to warn the others" Mia said

"Yes" I said.

Brian radioed them and told them what was going on and they said they would be out in a minute.

I saw Tej and Hobbs run in and The carried me bridal style outside away from the building. Soon after the others followed and about a minute later the building blew up.

I began to cry and Mia hugged me. I could have died for the 2nd that day.

Tej  kissed my cheek, I was glad to have Tej in my life. If I didn't I probably would not have made it out alive.

We all held eachother and watched the building become nothing but destroyed.

(Sorry if it was cruddy.)

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