Giselle X Dedicated!Reader

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I am dedicating this to prodigybitxhhh because she is the best book mate ever.

I was currently working on my 66 Corvette when something dropped on the floor. Sighing, i wiped swear off my eyebrow and pulled myself up from under the car.

"Dom, What is your prob-oh.. hi Giselle" I chuckled nervously.

"Hi Zara" Giselle laughed "Dom giving you a hard time again"

"Yeah, he will not stop bugging the Crap outta me. It always about Roman and his sorry ass" I said Smiling at her.

"Well thats Rome for ya" she said. We stared at eachother for a while. "So what you working on" she asked morning to the car.

"Oh, just fixing the bottom is all" i replied.

Giselle turned to me "do you think, you could fix my car sometime". I blushed at her words.

"Sure" I said happily. She grinned and stared at me. Once again the staring continued until Giselle stepped closer to me.

"I find you...really attractive when you work on your car". Her words hit me and I felt my cheeks flush red.

"Thank you...I never noticed" was all I said.

Giselle pressed her lips against mine in a gentle kiss. We continued until breaking apart.

" I love you Zara" Giselle said

"I love you too Giselle" I said leaning In to kiss her again.

This time the kiss was interuppted when the garage door opened. We pulled apart and turned to see who it was.

"Holy crap" said Brian as he held a LCM bar in his hand.

Me and Giselle blushed and looked down. We tought it was just us two in here but I guess not.

Brian smirked "I don't be so embarrassed besides it's nothing. Until I tell the others" and he ran off.

"BRIAN GET BACK HERE" I said as I ran after him. Brian ran faster but I could run faster than him.

Brian was not successful and only reached the hallway. I tackled him to the ground "Your a little sh*t".

Brian tried to get out of my grip I had on him. I grabbed a book and began hitting him with it.

"Stop,Stop" Brian laughed this time as the others came I to the room. Dom began to laugh hard and Mia was laughing hard to while letty snorted.

Dom was in the corner laughing his ass off while i continued to beat Brian with a book. I eventually Stopped and got off Brian.

"Sorry Brian. But if you EVER do that again, you'll have your sorry ass beaten with a bat" I said walking away.

Dom turned to Brian and went "oh, O'Conner, what did you do to nhnoise her off this time"

Brian turned to him and smiled "the usual". That was just a straight up lie but he didn't want his ass kicked again, that's for sure.

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