Chapter 14

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Kiri paced, head low in their den. "No. No! I can't. It's not safe. You told me it wasn't safe. It's no safer now then it was then."

"We don't have a choice kid. You're getting sicker. If we don't do this then you're going to get hurt. Or someone else is. We have to find somewhere to hide so you can access your full abilities. They aren't going to be suppressed any longer Kiri. Not today."

"I don't care! It's too dangerous! It's only been a week and Shylo only fell silent late last night. We can't go down, not for any length of time." He glanced towards the entrance and lowered his voice, "D'vala, please. Don't make me do this." He pleaded quietly, head bowed as tears trickled down his muzzle.

"Kir... I would stop it if I could. I wish I could. I don't want you shifting today either. I have a bad feeling." She stared over at him, gaze heavy. "I can't stop it any longer."

A soft muzzle lent itself over his shoulder. Piercing, knowing green eyes watched him with compassion. Her tail swept up, tracing his cheek before beckoning him forward. "Come on Kir, let's go swimming."

His head snapped up, watching her with suspicion. "You know the boats have been coming in nearly constantly. We can't go near the water anymore. I don't want someone getting antsy and taking a shot at me."

Swift tilted her head, a slight grin gracing her features. "I can get us out there, completely hidden."

Kiri rolled his eyes, "Fine. I'd better not get shot though, I won't forgive you."

She laughed, green eyes darkening as Bladen joins her at the helm. She tilted her head, her eyes pulling him in. "Trust me. I've got you. No one will catch us."

D'vala straightened up, eyes widening. "You'd risk that for us?"

"Obviously they would." Kiri rolled his eyes, "Alright you, lead the way. Before we get caught preferably."

Bladen shook his head, narrowing his communications to just D'vala. "No. She would though, for him. Don't get me wrong, she would've argued to help if it was just you in danger, but I would've been able to talk her out of it. The second she found out he was possibly in danger, she threatened to lock me in her soul next to the demon."

Swift bounced on the balls of her feet, her grin contagious as she shoves Kiri out through a tunnel in the back. "Come onnnn.

D'vala gaped at him. "You're kidding. There is no reason for her to be that attached already. Especially not to us. We are just another stepping stone to get her back to her home."

Bladen looked down. "She doesn't want to go home. She doesn't want to be around everyone here either, but she says she has no one left for her at home."

"Isn't her mother the Alpha? She's the heir, right?" D'vala asked, ignoring the conversation happening in the real world.

Bladen nods, "She doesn't care about power. Her mother declared her dead at sea after a week of being missing with no sign and no sound from Swift."

"But why? Why stop looking so fast?" D'vala asks, ignoring Kiri and his incessant tapping, trying to listen into the conversation.

Bladen stepped back, pulling her into Swift's mind. "How bad was that storm here?"

"Really bad. Bad enough that Kiri's family ended up perched in trees while the island flooded. I think he lost a little sister they couldn't get to in time."

"Now imagine that at water level before it started to rise, with no warning until the storm ripped through and tore a kit younger then Kiri away. Did you guys find Kiri's sister, or was she assumed dead?"

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