Chapter 3

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Swift trots beside Kiri, her eyes drawn to each twitching leaf. Every rustle, creel and cry call to her ears. Grouse, round yet nimble, stir from the dense undergrowth.

Kiri glances over his shoulder, his paw hesitating at the look of wonder on the kits' face. She catches his eye, her ears flattening against her head. Her gaze flicked to the path, refusing to meet his eyes. Kiri glances aside, his fur burning with embarrassment. "Ah, the caves are just up ahead." He offers.

Swift fluffs up her chest fur. "Bladen, what does it feel like to be embarrassed?"

His soft laugh trickled in, his amusement contagious. "Like that kit. Just like that."

She tilts her head back, letting the wind catch her chin.

She whined, her protest sweeping the mind like a sweet summer breeze. "Why am I embarrassed?"

"Probably because he saw you examining the world in a way that wasn't the fierce kitten you've been trying to exude." Bladen explains, stepping closer to the front of the mind.

"But- I- Ugh. There were cool things going on. I've never seen them up close before. Not like this." Swift sighed, her mind automatically dragging the memories up. "Why shouldn't I want to enjoy it! He shouldn't be noticing meee."

"I wasn't judging you kit, I enjoy seeing the world through your eyes." Bladen reassures.

"But I don't want him to see me like that!

"Why not? He's not a bad pup," Bladen rubs against her, rolling against her in a teasing manner. "Are you growing to like him?"

Swift grumbles under her breath, attempting to ignore him. "Kiri? My name is Swift. I'm sorry, my mama would be rather annoyed with how my manners have been."

Kiri flicks his tail up over her muzzle, muffling her words. "Glad to meet you. Now hush for a moment please." He hops down a small incline, slipping between a set of boulders. The rocks scraped, tight against his shoulders as he squeezes into the cave. He lunged, crushing a rabbit under his feet as it bolts for the entrance before setting it aside and backing out enough to call. "Little cat, we're safe. Come on.

Swift bounds down, easily fitting through the crack. "Can I speak here now?"

Kiri nods, grabbing the rabbit off the ground. He guts it in a quick motion, dropping the internals off to the side. "No guarantees I will answer all of them though."

Swift glances at the rabbit curiously before bouncing on her feet. "First, who were those things that attacked the... Alpha is it? They walk on 2 legs and look really rather odd."

Kiri shrugs. "I have no idea what they are. We just called them bipeds or death, really. They come after us with arrows and snares. I don't know why, it's even a rule not to eat them!"

Swift frowns. "Eat them? Why would you do that? Aren't they like intelligent?"

Kiri shrugs. "Don't know, don't care."

Swift frowns for a moment. "Liar." She shakes her head. "Ok, next question I guess. Where is my home?"

"Oh that's easy," Kiri replies, "It's really far away. Against the current if you tried to swim. We're the first defence against any mainland demons who show up! Though... You are the first we've dealt with, that I know of."

Swift sighs. "I doubt I'll be your last. My mama will be looking for me. A lot. She won't stop until she finds me I bet."

Kiri tilts his head. "Why are you so sure? Couldn't she just replace you with another kit? That's what Alpha threatens me with if I'm being stupid."

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