Chapter 10

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"Bladen, there is something weird about today."

"Hmm? How do you mean Swift?"

"I can't tell you. It's just off. Not quite right."

Bladen tilts his head, studying Swift closely. Her form cracked, small flakes of colour flickering away from her. He hums cautiously, "Get the day off. We are heading to the water today. Come kit."

Swift sighs and glares at Bladen. "I hate when you do this. You are so smug and annoying.

Bladen sits back and grins, his tail wrapping casually over his feet. "Water, kitten. Let's go."

"Can I bring Kiri?" She gives him puppy eyes, "Please?"

Bladen groans. "Fine."

Swift pulls herself to her feet and slips from the den with a quick tail flick. The sun shines down, lighting her fur with a bright bluish gold.

With a quick shake and prance Swift trots across to Kiri's den. She pokes her nose into his den and huffs. "Kiri, psst Kiri, wake up!"

A low grumble blows across her back. She skitters back with a squeak, her ears flat. "Sir!"

"Is there a reason you are trying to wake Kiri? Hmm?" He asks skeptically.

She glances to the side, refusing to meet his eyes, "I uh, I wanted him as my partner for some hunting down on the water. "

"Take Shylo. Kiri is busy with other duties." Alpha suggests, though it seems to be much more like an order.

Swift cringes, "Sir, no offense but Shylo doesn't like to get wet..."

He tilts his head, "That wasn't a question of whether or not you wanted to demon. Take Shylo or go alone."

Bladen slips into control with ease, "Then sir, I think I will head out alone. Thank you sir."

Alpha sinks his teeth into her shoulder and tosses her aside. He smirks at her pained squeak. "Off you go then."

Bladen grits their teeth and pulls them back to their feet. He meets Alpha's gaze for half a second, a sweet promise of death smiling back at the Alpha, smirking when he flinches back just slightly. They bow their head and limp away, shoulder throbbing in agony.

"I hate when he does that." Swift whines, "He uses venom to make sure it doesn't heal nearly as quickly."

"We will get our revenge one of these days Swift, don't you worry."

"We can't. Kiri would be devastated. We would destroy these people, their pack would go to shambles."

Bladen sighs. "You are such an alpha at times kid. Seriously."

"Why do you say it like that, isn't being an alpha a good thing?"

"Well yes, but in some cases it can be really annoying." Bladen chuckles. "Then again, so are you."


Bladen slips away from control as Swift takes over again. Their eyes change, green slowly fading away to an icy blue as they approach the water. Swift pauses, watching the waves lap rhythmically against the shore. She steps down, crisp black sand sliding away under her feet.

Bladen pulls away from her mind, his shadowy form coalescing away from her. Her inky colour begins to leach away, swirling around Bladen. "Bladen? Bladen wait, what's going on? Why are you out there?"

Bladen chuckles, his words spoken for once, "Let it happen kit. It won't hurt you."

Swift spins, sand chilling under her feet. Bones click, sliding out from their joints they quickly reform. She flicks her tail around in front of her, eyes wide as it lights on fire, burning away pale grey fur to reveal a sheen of blue. Ice cold, frost spreading after the flame, it rushes up her spine. A soft heat before blessed chill.

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