Chapter 12

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Swift ran the pack grounds, fur rippling in the winds as she took to the trees. She stalked the native people from above, watching as they went around their typical routines.

Kiri landed heavily beside her. "Hey Swift." He nuzzles down next to her, "Stuck on watcher duty again huh?"

"Definitely, though I'm beginning to enjoy watching them. They have a pack structure, some hunt, others gather." She points at one of the young ones, "They already know how to hunt, though it does take them months to learn. They may even be a type of intelligent life."

"Like us?" Kiri asks,

"Oh no, not like us, but smart in a stupid way. Watch." She points again, "That young one keeps trying to sneak away. She wants to bring back a meal for her family. "

"Is that safe?" Kiri asks, watching the child struggle to hold a spear.

"Not at all. Her family keeps telling her to wait, but her dad is not here today, and her mother is caring for a younger child right now." Swift begins to follow the child, "Take my watch for a few please Kiri."

She quickly slunk through the branches, nary a leaf falling as she tracked the child. The young girl came to a nearby river and crouched, spear overhead as she waited for fish by the fast flowing water.

Swift snaked her way down the branches, quick as a whip. She crouched on the opposite side of the water, slithering her way forward until she could slip under the water.

Swift grabbed a rock from the riverbed, holding it close to her chest and watched as the little girl attempted again and again to catch a fish. The child muttered under her breath as she attempted one last thrust into the water, a large branch catching her spear and dragging her in with a great splash.

Swift dropped the rock, bolting to the river overhang as the child struggled in the current. Quickly both child and spear were swept downriver towards open water.

Bladen nudged her mind, "Go get the kid, kitten, she won't live if you don't."

Swift sighed, "Won't she try to attack me?"

"I doubt it, she's as terrified as you were when you were washed away from the homeland. Wouldn't you have wanted someone to save you if that was an option back then?" Bladen paced in her mind, eyes focused on where the child had vanished, "We have to hurry Swift, please."

Swift nodded to herself and began to swim with the current, "Yes, I would've. Why must we hurry?"

"Never-mind that." Bladen points their eyes in the right direction, "There! Do you see her?"

"Yep I do,"

The girl squeaks, her cries desperate as she breaks the surface again. "Bladen, how do I grab her without hurting her?"

Bladen growls softly, shoving Swift aside in her mind. He wraps himself around the little child, holding her steady above the water.

Swift frowns at him, "Why are you so desperate to help her?"

"Swift, I was powerless to keep you safe when you were washed away. I am not letting this kit die while you prattle on with idle questions." Bladen snarls. He lashes their tail, small feet splayed wide as he strikes out for shore.

The girl clings desperately to their throat, soft sobs heartbreaking to their ears. Water swipes them further aside, bashing them against a rock. She is jarred aside, away from their grip.

Swift gasps, "Bladen! Give me control, please?"

Bladen fights the body, trying to reorient himself. He growls and steps back. "Fine."

A Shifting Landजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें