Chapter 38: Should've Known Better

Start from the beginning

I was taken out of my thoughts by Ozpin calling my name. I stood up and made my way out to the stage. I was feeling a little nervous. Funny how after everything I've done, its a crowd that unnerves me.

Ozpin: Y/n Todd, You acquired the silver bullet as your artifact. I herby welcome you as a student of Beacon. 

The crowd erupted into applause. I cant lie, it felt pretty good.

Ozpin: Due to the circumstances of his joining, Y/n will not be placed on a team. He will however work closely with whatever team requires a extra member when assignments call for it.

I almost snapped my head to face him. That wasn't the deal. The deal was that I wouldn't be on a team. Instead, I waited for him to finish. He turned to speak to me but I was already back stage. I was going to slip out the back when Goodwitch encased me in a bubble again. 

Goodwitch: And where do you think your going? You're to speak with the headmaster.

Y/n: You and that double crossing prick can shove it up your asses! I said no teams!

Ozpin: You said you will not be apart of a team, not that you wouldn't work with them. 

Y/n: I didn't think I would need to spell it out for you, asshole.

Goodwitch: That is enough, Y/n!

I let out the lazarus energy and hit the bubble as hard as I could. The bubble burst open, freeing me. Goodwitch looked at me shocked that I managed to get out so easily. Ozpin watched the exchange, more interested in seeing what the lazarus energy could do. I was half tempted to send a stream of it at him but decided against it. 

Y/n: I'm leaving.

Ozpin: And where do you plan to go, Mister Rose?

Y/n: None of your fuckin business, old man. But if it'll make you feel better, I'll come back. I worked to damn hard during that initiation to throw it away. 

I turned and stormed out of the auditorium. I closed the door and petal burst into the ventilation system and came out on the roof. From there, I petal burst from rooftop to rooftop until I made it to the dorms. I once again petal burst into the ventilation and worked my way through to my room.

I was beyond pissed. I should've known better than to trust a Huntsman. If it wasn't for the fact that I worked my ass off during the initiation and that despite how much I didn't care to admit, but I did want to be close to team RWBY and the only way to really do that was to be here. That being said, once I calmed down, Ozpin better have a damn good reason for stabbing me in the back. 

Until then, I was going out. Still needed to get my bike. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I barely opened the door when I was tackled by a red blur. I didn't even need to think about who it was. Another clue was the rest of the team standing outside my door. 

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