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Ryan's pov.

It's been a good three weeks since Amara has been back. She's currently still in hospital and she may have kicked us out a week ago for being annoying. Kailani has not let me touch a single pot until my wrists heal properly and he gives me the cutest pout every time I tell him I want to make us food, I always give in and let him do it. I did apologize to Mike, by force not choice, then Amara told her she's retiring after they catch Benjamin.

I haven't gotten around to telling them about June and I honestly don't know how to bring it up in a conversation. In other news, I moved in with them and brought Max with me. It did take some time for him to get used to the new environment but once he did he became at home. He loves the large back yard and yes, he still goes to visit Miss Donna and every Tuesday night, we go to eat pie.

She was surprised when I told her I have two partners but learned to accept it and now has them wrapped around her fingers. She met Kailani first then comes once a week to visit Amara. Speaking of older women, the wedding planning with me and their mothers is going downhill.

"But then if you place her next to cousin Paul, then Maria won't have to see his cheating ass"

"Why bother inviting him if we all know he's just going to start drama?" I asked mama making her pout

"Cause I love drama" mama said making her boyfriend, Richard, laugh while I stared at her like she's insane
"Fine, he won't get an invite"

"Thank you" I said then sighed.

"Now, whose walking Amara down the aisle?" Amara's mother asked and silence fell upon us

"I'll do it" Richard said making me smile while both women cooed

"But your cheeks are so pink" mama said then squished said cheeks making the large man blush even more. Their wedding is in two months and I really don't want to spend their wedding day with them while this secret is still weighing on me.

"Alright, my kids will be home soon, and I don't need my husband feeding them ice cream again cause he can't cook"

"You can't cook" mama pointed out making her gasp while we laughed. She hugged us all then left soon after but as soon as I realized I was left with a forever kissing couple, I packed my shit and went home.

I had asked both my partners if I could pick out their rings for them and Kailani may or may not have persuade me into buying the biggest rock I could find for Amara. She threatened to kick us out of the master bedroom, so that idea went out the window. I'm going with Richard to pick out rings tomorrow and it will be the very first time we will be alone together. I mean, he is only a year older than me, but the fact that he is with mama and treats her so good makes you want to respect him... maybe fear him.

Taking a shower was the first thing on my mind when I parked the car and thats exactly what I did. The second thing was to make dinner for all three of us which is what I'll be taking to hospital with me. When Kailani gets off work, he just meets me there and I try to convince Amara to let us sleep over.

I'm scared of what will happen when June finally decides to go out of her way to find me but I'm absolutely terrified of what my lovers reaction will be. I can't ask them to be apart of my kids life out of the blue when I haven't ever been in their life, but I don't want to leave them, ever. I love Amara and Kailani, I'm just hoping June goes to the bar and looks for me so I can get answers.

"Why the long face?" Amara asked the moment I walked in making me chuckle

"Secret" I said then kissed her lips

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