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Kailani's pov.

"Well don't you look happy" Mr Bailey said when I walked into the staff room

"Isn't he always happy whenever he meets up with his boothang" Mrs Baker said making me raise an eyebrow
"I blame my husband and daughter for my speech"

"How can a 3 year old possibly influence your speech?" I asked making her roll her eyes

"Go have kids then you'll understand. Anyway, I unfortunately got class" she said then strolled out the staff room with a depressing sigh.

"Damn" was all I said before making myself a cup if coffee and walking out.

"You got a class?" Mr Bailey asked lightly jogging to keep up with me

"In 15 minutes, yes"

"Would you mind if I sit in? Your lectures are always full of students and I've always wondered why" he said making me stop in my tracks and turn toward him

"You want to know why students come to school to listen to me read them something that in is their textbook?" I asked and watched his mouth open and close before he chuckled awkwardly

"It's that, uh, none of the other professors ever have a full auditorium but you always do" he said repeating the same sentence again. I stared at him for a while trying to remember why I never liked him but sighed and walked away when I could recall, yes, he followed me.

"Mr Bailey will be joining our session today" I said walking into the auditorium with said man right behind me

"Why?" one of them asked

"Good question, but I've discovered that it has a dumb answer" I said making them chuckle
"Alright, let's c... can I help you?"

"Ooh, sorry" Mr Bailey said. This man followed me all the way to the desk I use
"Where's your chair?"

"With one of them" I said placing my textbook on the table

"So where am I supposed to sit?" he asked making me sigh and opened the textbook

"You could go sit on your office, you have a chair there right?" one of my students said making the rest of them chuckle

"Miss O'Neil"

"Sorry Mr Savea" she said making me roll my eyes

"That was very rude of you little girl" Mr Bailey said while I turned around and started writing on the board but Miss O'Neil didn't respond or entertain him
"It's also rude to ignore someone whose speaking to you, someone older I might add"

"Sorry I'm la..."

"When are you not late Mr Davison?" I asked not turning away from the board which made my class chuckle, so I'm assuming he's pouting


"Over here" Mr Martin said

"You couldn't have offered that chair to me?" Mr Bailey asked and yet again was ignored
"You are a bunch of rude ar..."

"Mr Bailey" I said but didn't turn to look at him
"You asked to come to my class and understand why I always have a full house. You're a guest here, and as such, you have no right telling my students that they're rude, only I get to do that. They know my rules and understandably you don't, so I won't hold that against you. You've been talking since the moment we entered this room and the two minutes you wasted on criticizing my students could have been used to do something else"

| plurαl, nσt ѕíngulαr |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora