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Kailani's pov.

I can't believe I didn't notice.
No, I did notice, I just failed to ask.
I failed to make sure the only parent I have was healthy.
I failed my mother, I failed as a son.

"It's not worth it" Richard said joining me outside with two glasses of whiskey


"Blaming yourself, asking why you couldn't see it sooner; questioning whether or not your worthy of being in her life when you couldn't protect her; that self loath, is not worth it. I, obviously, can't speak to you like some wise step-father cause I'm only 2 years older than you, but I will tell you that I know exactly how you feel, maybe not to the full extent of it but I understand. Just like you, I yelled at her for not telling me, I told her to get treatment cause I still needed her. Just like you, I didn't consider how hard all of this is for her but unlike you, I fell on my knees and cried infront of her meaning she knew exactly how I felt about all of this. I know you're mad at yourself for not seeing or asking sooner, but right now, she probably thinks you hate her because you walked away after all that yelling. That beautiful woman is my soulmate and I wish I met her sooner so I could have married her then bullied you into calling me dad" he said then chuckled making me look at him only to see his glassy eyes looking ahead of him

"You could still marry her" I said making him turn to look at me
"You make her happy, genuinely happy, and I wouldn't want anyone else but you to marry my mother"

"I-I don't know what to say"

"Say yes" I said making him chuckle before we clicked our glasses together and planned his wedding. We went back inside and I found my mother in one of our guestrooms sitting on the bed. As I walked toward her, I had flashbacks of everything she has done for me. From sports events in school to teaching me how to deal with narcissistic people. This woman was there and now...

"Mama" I said falling on my knees infront of her and cried.

I cried for her cause I knew she wouldn't cry herself. I cried for the strong woman who told me to punch harder when somebody punch me in high school. I cried for the woman who'd wake up early and make breakfast just so we could eat together before I went to school. I cried for the sarcastic woman who loved me through all of my bullshit and continued to love me with my complicated love interests. I cried for my first best friend, I cried for having her feel like she was in this alone, I cried.

"It's okay" she said holding me in her arms. She held me until I stopped crying then continued to hold me while she hummed a song. I stayed there, kneeling at her feet, with my head on her lap and arms wrapped around her as she rubbed my back still humming.

"I'm sorry mama" I said making her chuckle

"It's okay, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner" she said making be tighten my hold on her

"I understand, I probably would have overreacted more than I had" I said

"It's not probably sweetpea, you would have overreacted" she said making me scoff while she chuckled
"When Richard said he'd talk to you, I honestly didn't think you'd listen to him. I know you weren't happy when we started dating a..."

"I wasn't happy because I thought he was using you for you money. I'm happy he proved me wrong and happy that you finally had someone to lean on with the things you couldn't lean on me for. I'm glad you found someone who'll love you through all your bullshit" I said then hissed when she punched my head

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