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Amara's pov.

"Don't forget to wear something sexy" Mike said as I parked the car in the garage

"Do you want me to give Kailani a heart attack?" I asked with a chuckle

"Yes" she responded making me laugh then hang up after we confirmed what time she'll be at our place

"Honey I'm hoooome!" I sang as I entered the house dropping my equipment by the door then went off searching for my honey

"...together" I heard mama say

"Fucken hell Mara" Kailani said throwing his head back with a groan

"What did I do?" I asked cause I ain't get into trouble once this month

"Giving him a heart attack" mama said then I heard knocking on the door
"That's Richard, see you later baby, bye dove"

"Bye mama" I said hugging her then walked toward my husband trying to remember if I did something but coming up empty
Unless he found out that I've been buying donuts instead of going to the gym...
"Uh, baby, I can explain"

"Explain what?" he asked and I knew right then and there that he doesn't know

"Why I'm back so early" I said smiling brightly

"You're lying"

"I am" I said staring at my feet

"Is it bad?"

"For us and our finances, no. For my health, maybe. Will I end up in hospital?, most likely. Will I tell you what it is?, no, why, you'll make fun of me" I said still not looking up at him but he lifted my head by my chin

"Okay" he said with his beautiful smile

"I'm sorry I lied" I said which made him chuckle

"Remember what I said? Try to be as honest as possible with me cause it's impossible to be 100% honest in general. If it's harmless then I won't judge you for it but since you said I'd make fun of you for it I'm guessing I'll never know"

"Nope" I said making him chuckle and kiss me deeply

"Welcome back my love" he said making me smile and kiss him some more

"Thank you" I said then spanked his ass making him groan
"We have to get ready"

"I was hoping you forgot" he said with a pout

"Baby you don't have to come" I said placing my hands on his face

"Like hell I'm gonna let you and Mikey go out together with no supervision. I don't need to pick up my drunk wife and her friend from prison again" he said making me pout

"That was only one time" I mumbled

"Try three times"

"Shut up you only bailed is out once" I said then scoffed
"Mama bailed us out the other two times"

"So I shouldn't take credit, huh?" he asked smirking at my embarrassed face

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