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Ryan's pov.

Why am I here?
That's not a reasonable answer.
Alright, I'll give you that, but I don't mind being alone.
Running from paperwork?

"All I'm saying is that it would make an incredible bachelor party gift if you let me throw it there and you give us free drinks" Calvin, the guy whose getting married, said making me roll my eyes.

And this is why I've stopped considering Kane's friends my own. These mother fuckers suck the life out of you and leave you high and dry when they are done. If you don't have anything that will benefit them, whether it be status or money, you won't ever be 'welcomed' by them.

"That would make you an awesome friend man" the other idiot, Nicolas said. I said nothing refusing to entertain their idiocity and continued eating my fries. We are currently at another bar eating and day drinking, well, they are day drinking, I'm drinking juice like a good boy.

"So, if he was to give you this 'gift' for your bachelor party, he won't be expected to spend money on a gift for your wedding right?" Kane asked with an eyebrow raised

"Well, I wouldn't say that" Calvin replied making Kane scoff while I chuckled.

"You could always get a tab and pay it at the end of the night. I'd be more than happy to hold your card for you" I said making him scoff

"What kind of friend does that, it's my bachelor party why should I have to pay?"

"I could always not come, friend" I said then shrugged making him lightly glare at me while I smirked

"It's really not that deep" he said making me shake my head and finish my fries. Yes, just fries, I wouldn't put it past these fuckers to pin the bill on me cause 'I ordered the most' and every time I ask for a separate check, I'm called an asshole. 

"Where is Brianna hosting her Bachelorette party?" a guy, whose name I forgot to remember, asked

"She said something about a bar, I wasn't really paying attention" he said then chugged his beer
Is it weird that I've never liked beer?

"Aah, I was really hoping to see Christina again"

"Don't we all" Calvin replied with a smirk while I raised an eyebrow making him clear his throat. I didn't know who to thank, so I thanked Max, when Teddy called and informed me that my father was at the bar.

"I'll see you boys at the bachelor party" I said standing up

"We still have three more days till then"

"I know what I said" I replied placing the exact amount of money to cover my food on the table insuring the camera could see it.
"Kane, see you tonight"

"We're all hanging out tonight but we can come over to your place then c..."

"No" I said then turned to walk away

"We use to be best friends man" Calvin said stopping me in my tracks
"What happened to us?"

"I grew up, you didn't" I said then walked out the bar and drove to my own. On the way there I started having regrets, why did I choose my fathers lectures over sitting there with those arrogant guys.


"Is there a reason you're here?" I asked my father as he followed me into my office

"Can't a father come check on his son?" he asked while planting himself on the couch

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