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Ryan's pov.

Having to wake up this early in the morning should be a sin, like the number one sin, and having to wake up for something as stupid as Kane should be illegal.

"I swear I don't know how we're still friends" he said while frying bacon

"I ask myself that question everytime I see you" I said attempting to not fall asleep again

"Watch the bacon" Kane said then walked out of my apartment

"This bitch really just..." I said standing up from my seat and watching his bacon while I boiled water in the kettle. I learnt from past experiences that Kane may cook up a feast but it's never for me, it's for him and Max. If he doesn't offer or ask what I'd like to eat before he cooks, I won't be included in the eating process. He came back a few minutes later with Max right behind him. He may be annoying and a complete trader at times but Max is my best friend and I may slightly trust him more than Kane.

"Morning buddy" I said as he licked my face then smiled when he hugged me, or what I thought was a hug anyway. We stayed like that until Kane called him over for his second breakfast.
I know Mrs Donna fed this fucker already.

"So..." Kane started making me sigh
"What's this I hear about you blushing at a random customer"

"How'd you hear that?"

"Word travels fast around these parts" he said making me snort before lightly chuckling

"I saw a guy, he had a beautiful smile an amazing laugh and dependable wife"

"Wife? Damn" he said making me sigh and continue eating my noodles

"Just my luck. I meet the perfect man, he's gorgeous, smells good, has a great voice, he's tall, big, a calm personality, I mean from that miniature conversation we had I could tell he was patient, and he's married. He may not be like Calvin and I will apologize for being too quick to judge him but why would a married man openly flirt with a man if not to 'experiment' behind his wife's back" I said gulping down the rest of my noodles before I lost my appetite, I just hope it does come back up.

"I fully support your decision no matter what it is Ryan. I know how hard it was for you to move on from her and if you feel that something is fishy about this then listen to your gut" he said making me nod
But that's the problem, my gut ain't saying shit.

"Although, just to put it out there, he could be in an open marriage which is why he openly told you he has a wife or they could be poly" he said making me roll my eyes

"He looked happy to see the text from his wife so both those theories are bullshit. I'll find someone someday somewhere, I'm in no rush for my happily ever after. Enough about me, what's up with your play boy life?"

"Aah, I got my married soulmate pregnant" he said making me choke on air

"Danielle?" I asked making him nod with a big ass smile

"I was so happy when she told me but she was scared as shit. I told her I'd support anything she wants to do, I only asked her that I was in my kids life if she keeps it" he said drinking his coffee

"And?" I asked completely invested in his life now

"She said she's keeping it and filed for divorce. Her husband was pissed when he found out she was pregnant with my kid but we told him after her divorce was finalized. Turns out he was infertile and blamed her for years for not giving him kids. She may not love me now but I'll love her enough for the both of us until she loves me back" he said dreamily making me smile at him

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