Chapter 6

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Alice POV:
I was walking down the hallways with a flashlight because henry was working on getting the lights back on and sees bendy's door open and I peeked inside then see him crying on his bed which I was confused of why was he crying but I could see his one hand on his tail a bit and one hand onto his face..Joey must have did it again to my poor demon baby, he is like a little brother that I have never had but I'm very worried about him. I decided to go find boris to see if he could clam bendy down a bit. I walked with my flashlight looking but its hard to see in the darkness I see another flashlight shinning over there in the darkness of the hallway were the switches were at. I see henry trying to fix the lights over there seeing that he might be having issues as well, he seems to be looking at the wires too but I started looking for Boris instead of getting distracted from there, I looked everywhere for him "Where is that wolf at" I said to myself while I heard humming coming close over here at sound like Boris voice. I followed the humming sound was coming from, I saw Boris over the other side of me he was with tom holding a flashlight so I walked over there to see what they were doing near a vent, I walked over there Boris looking at me with the innocent look on his face which I could not look away from those eyes that he was given me I liked Boris as a friend or even more like a brother as well because he seems like he does like me as a sister too. "What are you guys doing over here" I asked them to get answers. "Finding a tool that henry lost in the vent" tom said being furious a bit "How did he lost a tool in a vent?" I asked being curious "I don't know you asked him" tom said back sticking his head into the vent a bit "I need Boris for a second" I asked if it was okay with him to steal Boris from him a bit "Hold a second I need him to hold the flashlight so I can see" tom said being kinda rude about it but I wasn't gonna say anything to that.

Couple of minutes later

Alice pov:
I was sitting on the ground until Boris was done helping with tom and they were finally done now which took for a long time then I thought it would not have take this long but did, I looked up to see Boris in front of me and looked behind him to see tom has disappeared somewhere but I got off the ground then bring Boris to bendy's room and I could see Boris looking at me with innocent eyes like but I looked over to see bendy still in the same spot when I left and he had both hands onto his face this time then before I pointed to bendy telling boris to go over there to bendy which I slightly pushed him over there a bit and he started walking over there and I watched over there before leaving them be after Boris was over there closer to bendy I decided to leave after that.

None pov:
Boris looked over to see alice was gone then he softly touches bendy back then bendy sits up and sees Boris right there in front of him then he hugged Boris tight which Boris hugged him back but was kinda confused a bit but wasn't worried about it much less he needs to be. Bendy then falls asleep on Boris which he falls asleep too comfortable a bit too.

Sorry this one being short next one Will be longer then

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