5~Peace Beyond Reach

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[Art by Ai from HoYoLab]

The scenery was magnificent, like little stars all coming into the swirl, a spectacle dance, illuminating one another, creating a spectrum of rainbows and shades and colors that all combined into a form of art.

The last gnosis fell apart and dissipated into the dust after the last wish. It was the final step to fixing things how they were before. Fixing to show what true peace was like. Fix something that was utterly destroyed for the wish of making it better. The only way was to turn back the time. Turn it before Murata and Tsaritsa made the deal. Before Siph was imprisoned and before Ei was defeated. Before everyone died through her hands and ran under the heavy doubt of their hope. 

"What would the nation be like without its ruler?" Barbatos asked before there were still remainings of Tsaritsa that were vanishing into the air, mixing with the atmosphere, altering the time to the way of its path, its natural course. 

"Pierro will handle it," she said softly. 

"You trust him too much," he mumbled, crossing his arms. "You trusted people way too much. You were always this way."

Yet somehow these words were almost too calming. It was almost like they were comforting in their own way. 

"Goodbye," she said before fully disappearing. Leaving one last smile. 

He smiled back, with slightly more relaxed composure, "Goodbye."


The world began falling apart, as this timeline no longer existed. Sky came to have cracks like on the surface of the mirror and the ground collapsed onto itself, into a place that doesn't seem to have an end. 

Barbatos took a step back, disappearing into the void, almost as if it was another dimension, it was a way for him to stay safe in these alternations, and as an Archon it didn't take much effort. Yet, before he stepped in, he took a crown that Tsaritsa wore as a momento to never forget his old friend. It was a sentimental decision as Tsaritsa no longer existed in Irminsul, her existence was now forever wiped clean, but Barbatos was a bit special.

He doesn't exist in Irminsul in the common way, he is out of reach for Irminsul that is why he was able to have his existence in both and neither timeline without altering the timeline itself. Perhaps his power was too much for the registry of Irminsul or perhaps his origin is fuller of secrets than ever thought before. 


After a few moments, the world turned back to normal, and Venti like usually was in the Tavern, drinking, pretending like nothing just happened, perhaps it was his way to forget, force himself to forget. Like he didn't witness the death and like nothing went wrong. The citizens were back in place, and nothing was wrong. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. 

Rosaria and Kaeya were buddies in drinking and Diluc still despised his brother, but it was a bit softer this time. Perhaps after that incident, he softened up because he felt like he still has a family and isn't truly alone.

Albedo was painting another art piece while gazing at the sky. Almost like something was wrong with it, almost as if there was a star that didn't belong there, one that wasn't there before. 

Katherine was still behind her desk administrating new guests and bounty hunts and introducing more adventurers to the defense of Mondstadt. Treasure hunter massively decreased and now there weren't that many. There weren't that many hillichurl attacks either. It just seemed more peaceful now.

In Inazuma, Ayato and Ayaka had another spar, it has been a while since the last one, while her brother was recovering. He now once again attended to his duties without his sister's worry. And Ei was in her little room consuming the dango milk and having a little chat with Yae Miko. She wasn't hurt, but perhaps a little happier. 

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