5~Old World Under

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[Xiao's appearance is slightly altered]

Siph went back to the Liyue through Beidou that was once again coming to the Ritou part to deliver certain things and didn't mind giving the Pyro Archon a ride. 

The waves came crashing in against the wood of the boat, with some large fish hitting the bilge. It was not chaotic, but rather calm, safe travel. Aether came on the boat too, but they didn't bulge to say a word to each other which caught the Captain's attention. She didn't comment regarding it, remaining polite about private matters. 

"We are almost there," someone from her crew announced. 

The girl's face lit up as she came closer to the edge of the boat, placing her hands on the wood rail. Almost back.

Inazuma felt so chaotic, dangerous. It is indeed beautiful, but she would rather not come again to live through that rather terrifying experience. Ei was made sure to give her a wonderful tour of how catastrophic that land was. 

Kazuha this time was not on the board, so Siph was silently standing somewhere in the corner, away from many eyes or attention, not bringing herself to talk to anyone.

The land came closer to sight, as the port seemed closer each second. Once the boat docked, the board came down, and Siph nearly ran off, flopping to the ground. 

"You missed this land this much, huh?" Beidou asked with a grin lying on her face. 

Siph painfully smiled, "You wouldn't believe how much." 

Aether was silently spectating there with Paimon, talking about something no one could hear them about. 

They came down to the dock as well, yet passed Siph silently, without muttering a word, but just a light nod as a farewell, to which she responded subconsciously.

No one was there to greet them, but it did not matter. 

"Eh, aren't you a fellow that Mr. Zhongli talked about?" a girl looking around nineteen spoke suddenly. She had a black hat with red plum flowers with a rather gothic atmosphere. Black nail polish, and a traditional dark patterned shirt with mandarin color additions. It seemed like a balanced outfit. 

She came closer to the one that caught her attention and took a few laps around the figure, examining her. While Siph tried to slowly stand up from the ground, shaking off some dust that gathered on her clothes.

"You surely do seem to fit his description. 'A teenager with mature-looking features and unique clothing. Wears a rather unique accessory of a book with a pyro vision attached. Dark eyes and hair with rather pale skin,'" she recited. 

"He spoke about me?" she asked with curiosity. 

Her tone was friendly, "He has, but not much."

Hu Tao truly had a lot of personality behind that figure.

"I'm Siph, nice to meet you..." 

"Hu Tao, 77th director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Pleased to meet your acquaintance," she gave a light bow. 

"Indeed, the pleasure is all mine," she answered the bow.

"A polite fellow indeed," she cackled. "I'd love to chat, but I must really keep going. I'll catch you later!" she waved and ran away. 

Hu Tao was the exact representation of how she was in game. 

Xiao, she mumbled. 

A figure behind her appeared. 

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