5~A Fool

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Siph looked at Kaeya as his pupils had decreased to a small cat-looking eye, looking at her as the prey that he would consume and tear apart, limb from limb, starting with the hair that reminded him of his brother. He looked mad, like a beast, a mother whose child was just taken away and she had nothing left to lose. Everything in him looked destroyed and psychotic, his body trembled, and he couldn't grip his sword any harder, only the shadows and highlights in his eyes moved, signifying that he was still a human and alive.

What is happening? Siph asked to herself.

"GUARDS!" Kaeya yelled at the volume the walls shook from the vibration.

"Yes, Captain Kaeya!" in unison the guards replied which followed the Captain of Favonius earlier. Their weapons thudded against the floor with an echo, making a straight line inside the mansion. Some of their eyes widened, from the scene, from their Captain... he never yelled like that. He never seemed to have the presence of such murderous aura, not even when he lost an eye.

His chest rose from all the air as he growled, "Seize her! Kill her! Do anything you want; I want her to suffer!" 

Siph stumbled unsure of what is happening, taking a step back from him and from the guards.

Suddenly, tears rolled down Kaeya's eyes, as he bore a very painful expression that made her heart clench. She now felt like this was no longer funny and she just caused the most horrible situation. He was an alive person, not some character from the game and now she is bearing the responsibility.

"He is dead..." he sobbed, his arms dropped by his side, as the clench on his sword remained tight,

"Dead?" Siph questioned as if not understanding what is happening. "He isn't dead," she deadpanned. She forced her voice to sound like this wasn't serious, that this has no cause to worry and that everything will be alright. Yet inside, the storms were surging inside her heart.

"What are you babbling about out there, bitch?" Cursed Kaeya as he gave her the most death glare that ever existed. "Not dead? You literally tried killing him in front of me!" His emotions were exploding, not knowing where to place them, he took it out on the Pyro Archon.

Siph walked closer and Kaeya seemed more and more on edge with her every step, visually growling at her like a barking dog that's protecting its owner, his most precious memory.

"Diluc, that's enough, you will give him a mental breakdown if you continue," she grabbed the vision from his hand and places it on his heart. Somehow, he didn't resist it even thought he fought so fearlessly. She felt her pulse in her head.


No reaction was seen, as if indeed a dead body was right in front of her. All cold and motionless, with only little blood trickling down his cheek, his arms. 

She checked his neck first, listening to his pulse this time. It wasn't there, as if his vision is the only thing that acts as the heart as the warmth kept pumping through it. 

"Hold him," she said seriously turning his back towards her. He was half sitting where his head lays on the fur of the Blue-haired guy, with his hands hanging by each side.

"What are y-you-" muttered Kaeya in total confusion still obeying the order.

You place your hand onto the pyro vision and embedded your own pyro in it. 

"WAIT! DON'T! It won't work!" Kaeya panicked, frantically trying to stop her from doing on what she is about to do.

"It will," she quietly responded and closed her eyes. 

Flames surrounded her, phoenix wings forming on her back, with the crimson feathers falling onto the floor dissipating into ash from impact. 

She placed her hands onto the black coat. It was quite soft to the touch, but it was minor importance at a given situation.

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