Valentine Special: Ayato x Thoma

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[Art by Shinxxx from Danbooru]

[A little special for everyone. You DO NOT need to read this! This has no effect on the actual story^-^! If you are against or uncomfortable with this pair, please, skip it. For those that do enjoy it - go ahead. No smut. You can skip to the little poem at the end of the chapter;D.]

"Hey, Thoma, come look at this!" Ayato called for him outside the room, with a voice full of pride and excitement. 

"What is it, my lord?" The blonde walked over to the source of sound. Perhaps to an extend looking for cues of danger. 

"Try these," the other announced, extending the hand out with something inside of it. 

"What is it?" Unknowingly, Thoma pulled in, taking the unfamiliar cooked structure from Ayato's hands, expecting for something sweet.

"Chocolate," he smiled slightly, sparks and Sakura blooms flying in the background.

The blonde nervously gulped, not knowing whether it was from the thought that Ayato could've made it or from the thought that it was made by him. 

He asked gently, "You made these yourself, my lord?" 

Ayato had even a brighter grin, radiating brightness like that of a sun, blinding anyone that could come by. 

"Mhm~" he hummed, waiting for Thoma to praise his culinary skills. He got better. He surely did, he had so much practice, it's not possible for Ayato to not improve at all, is there?

Whether it was a reflex or not, Thoma turned around, masking the sour expression that he had. It didn't taste good even one bit.

"Do you like it?" Ayato asked. Like a puppy with flopping ears waiting to say that the cooking was delicious. "It's good now, right?"

Thoma, turned around, holding back the tears. "Yes, my lord. They are delicious."

"I told her I will improve. She told me to not let you have them, but I knew they were delicious," he like a nagging mother talked to himself, proud of his doings. 

"Milady did?" Thoma double checked, clutching his burning stomach that was about to shut down. That wasn't chocolate. It was pure poison, one that can compete with those made in hell. 

"Of course," he nodded, intertwined the hands at his chest, slightly whistling. "She said that my cooking is worse than before." 

Thoma wanted to cry. Milady is right.

"Have some more!" Ayato insisted, dragging his pale hand closer to the mouth of the other. 

"N-no, thank you, My Lord," he drew back. Avoiding that food like his life depended on it.

Ayato's expression sunk. Like those little ears flopping back down, sadly, pitifully. 

"Just one more," Thoma gritted his teeth, mumbling the words out. 

Ayato held blonde's hands in his, eyes are filled with affection. 

Thoma forced another piece of chocolate into his mouth, swallowing before he could even have a taste of flavor. 

On the verge of tears, he maintains his calm expression. "My lord, you're cooking indeed improved!"

Ayato relaxed, with a soft expression covering his face. "Don't eat any more of that, it will ruin your stomach. Thank you... Thoma."

Thoma looked at the man, unsure if that was a ray of hope, or was it the idea that the evil plan of this man to feed him his cooking came to success. 

"My Lord," he mumbled gently, stunned from the sweet and precious moment. 

Ayato only smiled gently, coming closer to the blonde. 

"Will you be my Valentine?" he whispered into the ear of the other, seductively, but not uncomfortably. 

"My pleasure, Ayato," he landed a little peck on the forehead and brushed through the sky-blue hair strands. "Anything for you."

Suddenly, the disgusting chocolate entangled into the sweetness of any fruit, where no sugar could match its pleasant taste, melting inside, feeling close, like the heaven that enveloped into the tastebuds of one, making it a pleasure to consume. It was no just chocolate; it was the sweetest feelings he ever tasted.



(Word Count: 593)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here is a little poem for everyone that needs to hear it! And some love from Mei ^-^

The World Does Not Own You

Where the sun will rise, and where it sets,

I will be there in rain and fate.

Look at the mirror and see the beauty you own,

You are enough; you are a cyclone.

Where no one can dictate the path you must take,

If you need a shoulder, I will be there!


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