1~Sudden Death from a Cat Reaper

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(A/N: this is not a [character x reader story.] though no one will stop you from thinking of such.)

It was a sunny day that did not foretell any disturbance, blazingly hot, as the dust swelled in monotonal movements at the ray of sunlight that peeked through the curtain above the tasteless, old carpet with a unique pattern in the living room.

It was the beginning of July as Siph Rainfer just finished High School and received a thin paper diploma with golden tracings that was instantly shoved into the further ends of her closet. Her mother congratulated her brightly as small tears peeked through the corners of her eyes, taking thousands of pictures on her phone, notifying her of how she did a "great job." Indeed, it was true, that she studied for her exams, and did her homework, but despite that, she was still not doing "great" in her classes as per her mother's expectations.

Most of the time after school she played a well-known game called Genshin Impact, surrounding herself with the community of players, blogs, and Wikipedia. She did not have a fancy set-up and played from her barely breathing laptop that surely didn't have enough memory for the future massive updates. She wasn't particularly lucky, but she did win some of her 50/50s. She had a number of characters: Ayaka, Ayato, Zhongli, Tartaglia were just a few to name. 

She knew these characters well enough to recognize their fighting methods, voice lines, and favorite food. She was quite indulged in the game, spending hours trying to finish all those world quests and events. 

"Don't forget to feed the cat," said her mother while tying her hair smooth hair back, as she slipped her shoes on, prepared to hang out with some of her co-workers. The so-called end of the month dinner. Her mother was beautiful enough to work as a model, yet she is stuck at an office job that at least treats her decently. "I will be back in the evening, behave!"

Siph gently smiled before replying to her, "Yes, I will mom, feel free to call me if anything." 

"Love you," she added, closing the door behind her as she walked out.

"Love you too," Siph whispered, gently, as if to not disturb the silence that engulfed the room. 

She lit the lemon-scented little candle that was placed on the table, creating a comforting, cozy atmosphere, that would calm anyone. The feeble light that could go out any time was dancing in the darkness making a shadow vibrate on the nearest wall. 

"Genshin time!" She happily exclaimed, having a feeling she forgot to do something. Ignoring the feeling, her knuckles cracked as she stretched her arms preparing for a long grind. 

After couple hours it was closer to 17:00, as her eyes felt heavy, from sitting behind a computer for more than 6 hours in a row. She even got a decent flower for her newly attained character: Xiao.

"What a nice Viridescent Piece," she proclaimed, excitement pumping through her veins, praying to the Archons that all would roll either into Crit Rate or Crit Damage.

On the 4th level it gave an additional sub stat of energy recharge. 

"This piece could not be more perfect." 

On the 8th level it rolled into Crit Damage. 

"Please," she begged the heavens to descend the "heavenly" luck on her. Just this piece, it was the last one. Last one.

On the 12th level it rolled into Crit Damage.

"Oh my god!"

On the 16th level in rolled into Crit Rate.

On the 20th level it rolled into Crit Damage.

"YES," she screamed knocking her chair backwards, as the cat suddenly gave its presence. 

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