Arc Two: 1~Encounter

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[Congrats! We are officially done with the Mondstadt, but that doesn't mean it won't be ever mentioned.

Credit to the author above. I'm not sure how to read Chinese, but it is at the bottom right corner (hopefully).]

"Hey, Venti," Siph called as she took a look at him. The large white mountains behind them covered the sight of Mondstadt. "Have you met Xiao before?" 

Venti stumbled at the sudden question. While Siph looked around to see if he would come by hearing his name.

"I haven't met him to be exact, but Morax won't shut up talking about him," he scoffed and slightly laughed, awkwardly.

Morax and Barbatos were quite close, most of the time, Barbatos would bring Dandelion wine to the Qingyun Peak and share it with the Geo Archon that grew quite fond of it, even though he doesn't really like admitting it. It established their friendship and even though Morax thinks Barbatos is a drunkard and a disgrace to the art, he never kicked him out.

"Ho~, I am quite excited to go to the Liyue Harbor," said Siph with high excitement in her voice. She closely seemed to a puppy that saw its human come back home from a long day at work. 

Venti slightly looked at the sun that was at 12 o'clock and brings out the fine-tuned lyre. With the peaceful background music, the two came closer and closer to the Wangshu Inn.

"Should we go inside," asked Venti. He stopped playing the humble tune. 

"I guess we could," Siph unsurely stated. She never paid for rent in her world and wasn't sure how it all worked as the game never spared the details. 

"Are you alright?" He wondered as he saw the slight hesitation in her voice. She seemed lost and unsure on what to do. 

"Yes," she responded brightly. "I just never really handled mon- Mora." 

A slight blush appeared on her face. She got shy. Whereas Venti started laughing his lungs out. Nearby guards and residents all turned to the source of voice.

"Venti!" She hushed him as she dropped on her knees to quiet him down, like a mother that is trying her child from bringing attention of the whole store. "Hushh!" She placed her finger on the lips as she looked around with the apologetic look.

"Sorry, sorry," he said as he wiped out the tears that were about to sprout. He found it funny that a person that carried so much power that can burn down the whole Liyue to ashed worries about how to book a room at an inn. 

A voice that interrupts the embarrassing atmosphere emerged.


The Anemo Archon turns around to see who called for him. 

"Hello there, Traveler, where is the flying mascot?" 

Aether rubbed the back of his head and said, "She is still finishing her food inside."

"What a glutton," mumbled Venti as he slightly chuckled. 

"Hey! Paimon heard that!" A voice from inside echoed. 

Siph, Venti, and Aether burst into laughter, where Paimon flew out couple minutes later, stomping her little foot in the air. 

"Anyway, are you passing by," asked Aether as he looked back at the Archon.

"Something like that," he vaguely responded. "This is Siph by the way," he pointed towards her with an opened hand.

"Hi!" Nervously waved Siph. She was surely not expecting to meet Aether here and in general it was quite awkward. 

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