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The blonde man with a neatly tied braid flowing behind his back walked in the direction of the Anemo Statue. He had light clothes as the flying fairy was circling around him talking about this and that and how she will become "the best guide."

He crossed the pond by swimming as Paimon simply flew over it. 

She called him to try and touch the statue as the light illuminated around him during the light peck.

"I wish Paimon had elemental powers too!" The small figure exclaimed as she crossed her little hands around her chest, pouting at the statue.

"But anyway, Traveler, let's first learn how to control it, try using an elemental skill on these coming pyro slimes!" 

As four slimes has approached the grass near the lake, a bright red orange light emerged from each and every one. They jumped, viciously showing the shadow of their landing, as they swiftly move across the lake without ever entering it. The Cala Lilies were burned as only bits of leaves dropped to the ground, dusting the rest into the wind, swiftly creating swirls that follow each other in a current as it gets carried to the so grave, where all the withered flowers reside. 

"Palm Vortex!" Aether yelled as he held onto his right hand with his left as the surge of powerful winds swirled the slimes into the dense little sphere where they hit each other and received slight cuts and slashes as it pierced through their soft bodies, gradually making them smaller in size.

All slimes were eradicated quickly.

Am I that powerful? He asked to himself, unsure if this is normal in Teyvat.

He gazed at his hand as he heard Paimon announce that more slimes were coming this way. He casted his burst, Gust Surge as a huge tornado infused with pyro carried away the slimes with a destructive force into the shallow lake that drowned the slimes.

"All done!" Paimon clapped her hands as she set her hands on the hips, as suddenly a huge shadow of a dragon passed the sky.

"What is that?!"

The two hurried in the direction of Mondstadt City as they entered the Whispering Woods. 

A young man all dressed in green, with a hat sitting on top of his head was slightly petting the nose of the dragon as if a calming lullaby a mother sang to its child at night. It was peace and quiet until some spark passed Aether's hand that caused a disruption.

What was that?

"Who's there?" The man called as he turned around, his voice was soothing, not angry, rather almost as if interrupted from a very important task. 

As the dragon entered the rampage, the man quickly took a step back disappearing into the nothingness never to be seen again.

"Who was that?" Paimon voices Aether's thoughts, as she continues to hold onto Aether's cape. "Ah look! The dragon left something." 

Both went closer to — where the dragon was — the Crimson Crystal as it levitated slightly above the ground emitting a strange energy. It is a tear full of sadness and corruption.

Aether scooped the strange object into his space pouch as they continued to head on.

"Let's head to Mondstadt, a nation of freedom! We might find some information about your sister," pronounced Paimon as she floated towards the direction of the city. 

Aether quietly followed until suddenly an unannounced figure showed themselves leaping out of the bushes yelling, "Hey you! Stop right there!"

"May the Anemo god protect you, stranger!" said a figure with bunny ears sitting on top of her head with her hand saluting. "I am Amber, Outrider of the Knight of Favonius."

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