Scar's eating disorder? (SH)

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It had been a very long day for Scar. He was hanging out with Grian and Mumbo for the day and he was tired because he didn't eat much and that made his body weak.

Many hermits realized that Scar had slown down with building, and were worried that something was up with him but none asked thinking someone else would.

He was walking to Mumbo's base With Mumbo and Grian, and when they got there they decided to eat a bit because they hadn't eaten all day.

"Why aren't you eating, Are you ok?" Grian said with his mouth full.

*Scar was sitting at the counter just staring at the food while Mumbo and Grian were standing and talking while eating.*

'Shit' Scar thought with his freckles illuminating his face.

"U-um yea I'm fine and I'm just not hungry." Scar lied tapping his finger on the counter in a repeated pattern.

"That's a lie. You haven't eaten all day there's no way you aren't hungry mate" Mumbo said looking at Scar in a concerned way noticing his freckles.

"Just a bit Scar, please?" Grian asked with a warm smile also noticing his freckles.

*Scar sat there for a minute with a restless Grian and Mumbo in front of him. After a few seconds he ate a few bites and then enough to make Grian and mum not suspicious.*

*A few minutes later Scar had an anxious look on his face and his freckles still illuminated.*

'I can't hold it down' Scar thought, getting up and running out the door with tears forming.

*Before Gri or mumbo could say anything he was gone. He had run off with no jacket or shoes on and there was a storm coming and it had already started sprinkling.*

"We need to message X, there's something very wrong." Mumbo said looking at Grian

"I'll message X you go get Scar some stuff ready because it looks like the sky's about to bottom out." Said mumbo.

"Yea I will, I'll get a bath and some clothes ready for him." Grian said worriedly.

*Grian flew back to his base and started getting things ready, while Mumbo messaged X.*

*MumboJumbo*- Hey X I need to talk to you can you come to my base?

*Xisumavoid*- One Sec I have to get Zed a diamond.

*MumboJumbo*- This is a urgent thing it's Scar.

*Xisumavoid*- I'm on my way.

*MumboJumbo*- thank you.


-With Scar-

'Im such a screw up! Now X is going to know and it's going to burden him with this stupid disorder.'Scar thought to himself running through a desert biome, into a swamp.

*Scar fell to his knees and and put his arms up to his chest and bent over with his head close to the ground.(like the pic)*

"ITS JUST FOOD YOU IDIOT!" Scar screamed to himself hitting his arms on the ground a few times, his arms bleeding.

*Scar sat there sobbing for a bit while it poured down rain him getting soaked.*

-With X-

*Mumbo was pacing around his base when X flew in and yelled for him.*

"X!" Mumbo yelled running over to him as Grian flew back in with stuff in his arms.

"So what happened with Scar? Did you two do something?." X asked lifting his helmet off but the mask still on.

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