*Revealed* part 3

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*Jm was silent before slowly looking towards yoongi*
Jm:- H-hyung I-i that the b-baby she--
Yg:- Shuuu tell me clearly jimina
*Jimin took deep breath before saying with wide smile*
Jm:- I'm going to adopt her
*RM and JK choked in air as others widened there eyes*
Tae:- W-what the fuck you mean by that?
Jm:- *pout* I'm gonna adopt her
Jin:- Jimin are you sure? Do you even know whose baby is that and---
Jm:- Hyung her mom died after giving her birth and.....

2 months ago {at hospital}

I was not feeling well so I visited my friend's hospital for check up. After being done I was heading back home when suddenly loud screams and gun shots were audible. I turned towards hospital and saw many lifeless bodies laying on floor and some mens attacking whoever was coming in between them. Those persons went to a specific OT room and there I heard one women's painful scream and baby crying voice. I ran there and saw those persons taking the baby and mother was crying to leave her baby*

*saying that he shoted the women. My heartbeats were beating at high speed seeing all murdering scenes but i managed to hide myself and called the cops. Suddenly one man came around 30 years old. He fought with those persons and took the baby and ran outside before kissing the dead body women. I went behind him but unluckily he again got strangled with more mens as one of them snatched the baby and started beating the man. That man was badly injured but suddenly hearing the cops sirens they ran away leaving the baby and that man alone in that dark alley. The baby was crying so much and I felt so bad as I ran towards the baby. I gently picked the baby and it immediately stopped crying making me smile warmly. I turned towards the man before crouching down*

Jm:- W-who were they? And why are they behind your family?
*he asked while rocking the baby in his arms*
Man:- I-i am Seo J-jung
Jm:- Means the richest person in Korea?
Man:- Y-yes I took some money from Mafia Queen and as I am going in l-loss due to business I failed to give her the money back in time s-so she ordered her g-guards to k-kill my family
*jm gasped after hearing this*
Man:- Please save my daughter
*he said while joining his hands. Jimin gulped and looked at the baby in his arms and then at Seo Jung who closed his eyes after softly pecking his daughter's hands. Jimin sighed and tightly held the baby in his arms. Cops also arrived and after investigating they took the baby with them. Jimin also went and told everything happened there. But as it was done by Mafia Queen officers didn't continued the investigation further and due to frustration and worriedness jimin decided to adopt her*


Jm:- She was only 2 days old hyung how can that b!tch queen be so heartless
Yg:- I know how she is treasure but thankfully all doubts are clear now we can get back together and yeh I'll arrange the documents to adopt her
*jimin smiled and nodded*

Somewhere in Seoul

?? :- What do you think of yourself huh?
Aera:- B-but he is your one and only son what if something happens to him?
?? :- *scoff* do I care? NO!! Just go and do what I told you to do
That's it guys hope you like it and if you do then don't forget to vote, comment and follow for more 🍀🤞. Take care armies 💜BORAHAE 💜

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