🦋42. Peripeteia🦋

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A man knocked at our door while I was bathing. He said he was ordered to deliver food to us. Cautiously I dressed up myself.

But before Pete could grab the plate, that man opened the food cover and took a gun which was hidden there instead of food. Then he did the unthinkable. He pointed his gun direct at Pete's face.


Time froze for me. The nightmare I always wished not to happen is happening.

I immediately pulled out my gun which was in my shirt to shoot that bastard. I don't care about killing a person as my first instinct was to save Pete from him.

But before I do it, I hear gunfire and I see him falling with blood oozing out from his forehead.

I saw the man who held his gun towards Pete falling to the ground dead by headshot.

What's happening here???

I thought and plunged towards Pete who was frozen seeing a dead body in front of him.

Whatever I don't care.

I pulled him under me to the side of the bed. The next thing I heard is all the glass windows of the room shattering.

Are we under attack or what? Why are they doing this? The main question is WHO is doing this?

My thoughts were distracted when Pete groaned under me. That's when I noticed the white shirt Pete was wearing was soaked in blood in the upper part.

The bullet that shot the man in front of him pierced his shoulder. The wound was not so deep but it may cause some blood loss.

Tears covered my eyesight seeing him in pain. The nightmare of my life. But I have an important task now. That is taking Pete out of this cottage safely.

It's not the first time I am attacked and I think I can manage even if it is a hundred men against me. But I am not alone. I have to take care of Pete who is injured.

Yes, I had always known Pete would be my strength as well as my weakness.

Shit, I again regret listening to Pete and not bringing any bodyguards with us. At least I should have brought some machine guns with me. All I have is a pistol.

As the sounds of gunfire showed it is all from snipers, there is a possibility that the attackers are a little far from us. Using this time I have to take him out of the cottage safely.

Pete.... Pete, will you be able to walk?

I asked hoping he can.


He answered back to my delight.

I immediately pulled him to stand and held his side and walked through the back door by half carrying his weight. I also made sure that my strength was focused on my lower body, not to press on his shoulder wound.

As I am trained from my childhood for such situations, we came out of the cottage in a few seconds.

We were about to leave but I had other plans. So I made him sit in a safe dark place a little far away and returned what I had to do.

I turned on the gas and left it open. When I came out I heard footsteps indicating that they are inside now.

And all that is left is in their own hands.

I took Pete and started walking a little far away. By this time Pete recovered from the shock he was in. He was able to walk but still, I held him lightly making sure he doesn't fall.

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