🦋37.Bloody Sweet🦋

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Earbreaking heavy thunder rumbled in the black sky like a furious lion's roar.

Pure white lightning flashed in the pitch-black night making anyone go blind.

But not this woman who continued to have her walk in the middle of the night.

By herself. All alone. Except for the life in her womb.

She was stepping very slowly, very calculative, and very cautious.

Her heavy eyes were looking in the direction she was going, determined not to look back in the direction she came from. Because she knows if she turns around, the phantom torturing her for a long time will capture her.

Her eyes revealed a mixed expression. An expression that had hints of both despair and sadness.

But at the same time, it embodied a different look when a memory flashed in her mind.

And she was happy. Happy that she lost something. It is better to lose it forever than to keep it near, getting hurt always.

Just when it seems like life is getting good, something always comes to fuck it up

And it came. She felt some kind of uncomfortable thing in her lower abdomen.

Ugh! Here it goes again! These false contractions and the pain!

She thought. This is the second time she undergoes the same kind of discomfort in her body.

It was the same pain. In the same part of the body. But the situations of both times the pain developed is different.

The first time she underwent this pain, she had not a perfect but at least a family to be called hers.

The memories of her husband running around their entire small house, his confused face, his disheveled hair, and his fucked up face not knowing what to do were still fresh in her heart.

Especially his teary eyes unable to see his wife in little pain were buried deep into her soul.

He thought for a second he is going to lose her forever. But when all the old ladies around their house said it is just a false contraction, she sure saw her husband reaching utopia in happiness.

That happiness offered her some kind of comfort in the discomfort for her.

She again fell in love with her husband that day.

But what about now? She is having the same kind of pain for the second time.

But where is her so-called happy family? Her so-called husband? His so-called caring? And the so-called promise he made to her?

Her husband is not there anymore. Not there to run around in confusion about what to do next. Not there to show his cute disheveled-haired face. Not there to shed a tear instead of her because of pain. Not there to tell her everything is going to be alright.

Not there in her life anymore. Not there anymore to complete the promise he made. Not there for her anymore.

It hurts. It hurts how fast life changes over the night. It hurts how easily humans change their faces.

How easily her husband showed her his true nature, leaving her in this life-or-death situation.

How can he forget the promise they made on their love? The promise he held in the name of our unborn child. And tears escaped her eyes.

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