Chapter 6

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Anxiously waiting for the clock to strike 8, Jungkook got himself ready and checked whether all the reservations were done. He had already called Jimin and decided that he would pick him up at 7:50 near his residence.

At 7:45, he got up and took his car and house keys. He informed his friends that he was out and not to call or text during this time. Although they did ask him if he was out with the 'mystery man', he chose not to answer because that would lead to series of texts from 5 crackheads immediately teasing him.

He reached Jimin's place quite fast. At 7:55 he was at Jimin's place. Jungkook waited for Jimin to come down and when he did, he couldn't take his eyes off of the boy.

Jungkook's POV:

Angelic. The first word that came to my mind when I first saw him. He was wearing white flowy shirt with black dress pants and he was looking like a prince.

He found my car and started walking towards it, I opened the door for him and waited for him to settle himself. I then blurted what was going on in my head.

"You look stunning, Jimin." . He did. HE REALLY DID.

" Thank you Jungkook. You look quite dapper yourself." Well I wouldn't call myself dapper but I did clean up well. I was wearing a black shirt and black pants. I was pretty proud of what I had come up with.

" So, you ready to go?"

" Yup! Let's do this!"

The first destination that I had picked for us was an amazing restaurant overlooking the sea. Although, it was a little expensive, I don't care spending my money on the fluffball sitting next to me. With the outfit he had on, he would fit right in. I think some people might get jealous of me because I brought someone THIS good looking. Truth be told, Jimin would make a trash bag look like an expensive outfit, he is just that pretty.

The car ride wasn't awkward at all, I gave the controls of my phone to him so he could play whatever songs he liked. So, in the background, were playing some RnB songs which I was singing along to.

"Your lock screen is quite pretty Jungkook-ah." The picture in question was a group photo of all my hyung's and Tae on a beach. That was a good day, all we did was eat and play games in the sand.

"Thank you. These are my 5 brothers. I mean technically we are not related but, they are my anchor and support system. I don't know what I would even do without them."

" They sound like really nice peo-ple." I thought I heard Jimin's voice crack at the end like he was about to cry but when I looked at him he seemed fine, huh, strange.

We had already reached the venue so I gave my car to the valet and took my stunning date to the reserved table farthest away from crowd and with the best view in the whole of the restaurant. The table was always kept for the VIP members and I had always reserved it only when I took my hyungs out, so this was the first time I was taking a date along with me.

The moment we entered, everyone started staring at us. I knew this would happen. That didn't bother me at all, because I was used to it but Jimin looked a little anxious. He was fiddling with his outfit and I knew immediately that he was rethinking his outfit choice. To steer him away from those thoughts, I immediately held his tiny hand and guided him to our secluded table. Once we reached the table, we settled ourselves and it suddenly became a little awkward.

"So... here we are." I tried to small talk.

" Yeah... Why were they all looking at us like that when we entered?" I scratched my head sheepishly while answering.

" Well, I might just be a teensy bit famous." His eyes widened.

" What do you mean?"

" Do you know MINIMART? Like the retail store?"

" of course I mean it is one of the largest stores in our country. I shop there pretty regularly." he took a bite out of his food. "I think there is one every city so you can't not know about it."

"The thing is I own the company. Like all of it." I saw him choke on his food when I said that. It was quite hilarious actually. He looked at me like I had grown two wings.

" You?? I mean I am not saying that you can't be, of course you can but, you just are so young to be an owner of such a huge company. "

"Yes, I know, but my father was the previous owner of the company. He had a huge crisis in the company and he just lost all control over the business. As a last tactic, about 4 years ago and I was given the reins of the company and thankfully, it worked. It was a lot for a 22 year old but it was all manageable because like I told you before I had my hyungs beside me the whole time." It felt weird to share these things with someone other than my hyungs but I think I trust Jimin enough to tell him about me.

Jimin looked very distressed when I told him what I had gone through like it was something that he had gone through, but he replied, " Wow. That is so great that you had someone during your tough times. It's extremely important. I didn't have anyone when I was at my rock bottom except my brother and my best friend. All the others were pretty clear that they would support someone else. I was not complaining because the person they were supporting was once the person I loved the most."

"Was it your ex, that they were supporting?" I asked.

" Yes. There wasn't an issue between us and suddenly he just left without a clear explanation as to what happened. I was heartbroken, but my friends thought that there was some issue with me, that's why they supported and stuck with him."

I was furious when I heard that he was left alone because his friends just assumed that he was the problem, " Those friends were not real friends if they didn't support you. I am just so mad that they didn't let you explain your side of the story."

"Well... it's alright now. It was more than 4 years ago and life has become more and more busy with work , so now I don't think about it. Can we change the topic please? I don't want to talk about it."

I was quick to change the topics. " Well, what do you do for a living? I mean you just said that you are terribly busy with work?"

" I work in the healthcare industry as a pediatric surgeon. Its a tough but a very rewarding job. The kids always leave my cabin with a smile, that's what makes it rewarding. Along with the blessings that the parents always give me." He had a full blown smile now and that made him look so good. I was just so proud that the first person I brought here with me on a date doesn't just look good but also has a great personality and does literally god's work.

" You are amazing Jimin. I mean not only taking care of yourself but also helping families who are facing with issues. I think my heart just skipped a beat with how perfect you are."

" Oh stop it Kookie." Mark the time of death. Today my heart has died because of the cutest and the sweetest nickname given to me by the sweetest and cutest person in the world.

We spoke more about a lot of random topics. I found out that he shifted to Seoul about 2 years ago and he always wanted to own a pet but due to his extremely time consuming career he couldn't ever manage one. I told him that one of my friends owns a dog and he got so excited, it melted my heart.

Soon, we were done with our dinner, so we headed out to our next destination.

While waiting for our car Jimin asked, " Are we going home now kookie?"

"Not now Jiminie. We still have one more destination and then we go home. Do you want to get rid of me so bad?" I gathered the most puppy looking eyes possible and then looked at him. He started laughing at my expression, like hard.

" Stop it kook. Its not like that I just wanted to know our plan of action."

" Well, there is a lot of action left in our plan and its just 10 so we have time."

"Okay! Lets go..."

A lot of Jikook coming in the next chapter... *filling your hearts with uwus*

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