Chapter 4

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The day after Jungkook met Jimin he was freaking out because he hadn't taken his number. That might seem like a small deal to a lot of people but to Jungkook its as if his life was not going right. Dramatic?! I know right. So now it had been 2 days after he had met the smaller boy and he was standing in front of Tae's house. For what you ask? Of course advice as to what he should do.

Jungkook POV:

I rang the doorbell thrice so he knew whatever the reason was, it was urgent. He opened the door in a few seconds and the moment he saw my face, he opened the door wider so he could let me in. I immediately went towards the kitchen to get myself something to drink, it was already evening so a beer wasn't the worst idea. With everything going in my mind, about work and about the boy and the conversation between me and his brother I feel like I either need to cool down or tell someone, so I figured, I'll do both.

"what's up kook?" he asked me genuinely.

"Nothing much just wanted to see you. You know I can come here without a reason." I reasoned.

" Yeah... No. That has literally never happened in my life because whenever you come here you always need to vent about something or when you want advice or you want to talk about something." he said sassily.

I sighed with defeat and responded," okay fine. I do need your help with something. Its about someone... someone I met recently." I had my fingers in my ears already knowing the kind of reaction my friend will give.


" I don't think you know him and I don't think you guys have met ever. You didn't know about him because I met him the day I was supposed to meet my blind date. I actually stood in front of the wrong apartment but then we got to talking and he is actually a really sweet person and I liked him."

"Oh that's such a cute way to meet! which would not have happened had I given you the right apartment ." He said smirkingly.

" Yeah right. But I have an issue..."

"oh what is it?"

" I was so excited to get to know him that I didn't take his number. I was so engrossed in just being with him, it completely slipped out of my mind that I would like to converse with him later as well. Now I feel like I fucked up because I don't think I can go back to his house just for his phone number. Also I don't know where he frequents so I don't even know where I will be able to meet him.'

"You should go to his house again." He said it with such conviction that I also got the confidence to go to his house. "I mean what's the worst thing that will happen. You can go to his house saying you lost something eventhough you haven't lost anything. Then when he invites you inside while finding the not lost thing you can start the conversation about taking his number. If he doesn't give his number then that means he is not interested and if he does give you his number, that means you both can possibly be a thing in the near future."

"You are right. I mean what's the worst that could happen he would say that he is not interested in giving me his number. I can live with the rejection..." I said although I wasn't sure if I was ready for the rejection. As if Tae read my mind he immediately says," are you really sure you would be able to handle the rejection. I mean up until now whoever has come up to you, YOU rejected them not the other way round. If this person rejects you, it will the first time something like this will be happening to you."

I didn't want to live in the what if's but whatever Tae is telling is also a valid point. The only thing here that matters is does taking Jimin's number mean so much that I am willing to be vulnerable in front of him? Anyway even if he does accept, its not like we will already be a couple. We will need to talk or text and meet so that we can be close.

"SO....? What are you thinking of doing?" Tae asked me curiously.

"I think I am going to go to his house. I mean you only live once. In a few days it wouldn't even matter if he says no, I might find someone better."

"LETS GO! I am coming with you. I will sit in the car so we can celebrate when he says yes and I will be your emotional support if he says no." I could not say no to such a sweet gesture that Tae was doing.

So, we immediately went to my car and drove off to Jimin's apartment with Taehyung by my side. We reached his complex, told the security the apartment number, THIS TIME THE RIGHT ONE and got a confirmation. This made me increase my hopes a little because that means he is okay with meeting with me.

I told Tae to wait in the car and rushed to his building to go to his house. Once I reached the door, I became very nervous and giddy. I was hoping for a positive response rather than dwelling on the negative. I pressed the bell and waited.

After a few seconds the door opened and out came a very fairy like looking Jimin. He was wearing a white t-shirt with black shorts and he was looking cuter than ever.

"Hi Jimin!" I greeted in the most enthusiastic way.

"Hello, Jungkook-ssi."

"I actually have come here to ask you something. I was so stupid to not have asked you this question before, but could I have your number?"

It looked like Jimin was holding his breath till I asked the question because he sighed of relief and then answered in the sweetest way possible," sure! I thought it was going to be a much worse of a question so I prepared myself with anything."

" Oh thank god you said yes. I was so nervous and stressed."

He just smiled and asked me for my phone. He then inserted his number and gave it back to me.

"Is that all Jungkook ssi?" He asked me with a small smile and right then I knew my heart had melted and whatever remained of it was with the boy in front me. I was not in love, I mean it's way too early to be in love but I know if ever I like someone it would be him and him only. I just nodded and then soon turned around because I knew if I stayed longer I might ask him to invite me in his house and I don't want to keep Tae waiting.

"Bye Jimin" I said not really meaning the goodbye.

" Bye Jungkook"

I soon reached towards the parking lot and when Taehyung noticed that I had a small smile on my face, he leapt out of the car to hug me and then shouted ," I knew he would never say no to you. You are one of the finest people I know and if he couldn't have seen that, he must be a fool. But luckily he did so I am tremendously happy for you."

"Lets go celebrate now, I am starving and I need some booze in my system." I said with happiness clearly visible on my face.

"I think I am going to call Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung as well. Lets have a real party, we haven't had that in a long while." he exclaimed as if he had the biggest and brightest idea of his life

" Sure! Lets get hammered!"

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