22. Callie

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"Finally! I'm done!" I shout a little too excitedly, slamming close one of the textbooks I was using. I have finally finished all my missing assignments.

"You've finished all your missing assignments?"  Ava asks, looking up from the book she's reading.

"Yep. That was the last one!"

"Good job, Cal. Proud of you!" She says, smiling at me.

I was kind of proud of myself as well. More so, I was excited to tell Dominik and Dean about it when I see them later today. After today, I am totally caught up with all my schoolwork and on track to graduate this summer.

"I bet Nik and Dean are going to be thrilled." She says, smirking at me. "They'll probably even reward you," Ava says, teasing me.

"Ava, No," I say, putting a stop to all her little comments. Even though she knows about everything and is the one that kind of set us up, it still weirds me out a little bit when she makes sarcastic comments.

"Oh C'mon. I'm just joking with you." 

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't." I say. I'm still getting used to all this and didn't really need her to comment on it every time I did something right for once.

"Alright. Alright. I have to get going anyways, are you going to be here tonight?"

Ever since I stayed in their guest room, I've been staying over more often.  It made things easier; that way Dominik doesn't have to drive me back to Ava's every night and I get to spend more time with them. The only thing I didn't like though, was that Dominik was serious about that bedtime.

"I think so, but I'll let you know if anything changes."

"Maybe we can have a girl's night on Friday?" She says. Ever since I agreed to be their submissive, I haven't really had time to hang out with Ava other than when they dropped me off after dinner some nights. So, I agree, some girl time is much needed.

"Yes, defiantly!"

"Okay, good! So, I'll see you tonight maybe?"

"I'll be here tonight, Av."

She nods, giving me one of her award-winning smiles while throwing her backpack over her shoulder and taking off. Checking my watch, Dean should be here in about an hour to pick me up for dinner which gives me enough time to finish a few pages of the extra credit I picked up from a few of my teachers this week.

An hour later, sure enough, there's a knock on the door. After yelling come in, It's not only Dean but both Dean and Dominik.

"Guess what!" I say, jumping over to them. "I'm all caught up in school. Well, I mean I still have to turn over all my missing assignment tomorrow and still have a few pages of extra credit to do but after that, I'm all caught up!" I say, excitedly rambling a bit.

Both Dean and Dominik look taken aback by my sudden outburst but a smile crosses both of their faces after they take it all in. "We're so proud of you, Cal!" Dominik says, taking my face in his hands and kissing me. Now I'm the one that looks taken back. Did Dominik just kiss me? On the lips? Not the forehead or the cheek but on the lips?

"Couldn't be prouder of you, Callie!" Dean says, before also kissing me. On the lips. That was our first kiss. My first kiss with both of them.  "Congratulations!"

I stand there looking stunned at both of them. I snap myself out of it really quickly before they could notice how shocked I was. "Thank you," I say to both, smiling up at these two gorgeous men.

"How about we go out to dinner to celebrate?" Dean suggests, not even fazed about the fact that we just kissed. For the first time. Ever.

I nod. "That would be great!"

"It's a date then. Grab your stuff, Nik can take you to school tomorrow on his way to work."

"Actually," I say, turning around to grab my purse. "I promised Ava I'd be home tonight."

Both Dominik and Dean turn to look at each other. Odd. "That's fine, sweetheart. I'll take you home after dinner." Dominik says before we all walk down the stairs to the door.

"Are you excited to be done?" Dean asks as he opens the door of the backseat.

"I'm excited to be caught up but I'm not done until I graduate."

"Just a little while longer and you'll be all done. Then we can talk about college."

"College?" I ask, surprised. I never thought about going to college. I didn't even think I'd finish high school, let alone college.

"Yes. Don't you want to go to college?" Dean says, turning to look at me from the front seat.

I shrug, buckling my seat belt. "I don't know. I never really thought about it. I don't even know what I would go to college for."

"Well, maybe that's something you should start to think about.


Hi guys! I know this is a bit of a slow burn but I promise you it gonna get better. How are you liking the book so far?

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