6. Callie

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Who is this guy and why the heck does he thinks he can just talk to me like that? Well, he wasn't really talking to me in any certain way, I guess he was just trying to help. Still, it irradiated me to no end. Although, I would be blind if I didn't admit that those two were beyond hot. That just makes it more infuriating. I want to say his attitude and tone were a turn-off, but I'd be lying and that makes it even more infuriating.

I spent about an hour out at the old mill smoking with James and Nick before I started walking back. I didn't tell Ava where I was going and didn't want her to worry about me, so I needed to get back soon. So, I kissed James on the cheek and thank him for smoking me out once again, and bid goodbye to Nick before I headed back on the path. Of course, with such great timing, I run into Mr. serious, and from what I could tell Mr. Serious 2.0. At least I was high though, that took all the nervousness away.

And then he as the nerve to offer me eye drops like this is my first time smoking. I roll my eyes at the thought. I've been smoking since I was in middle school, I know the ropes buddy. I slip upstairs before I could run into anyone on the way. Change my sweater, uses some eye drops, some perfume, and pop in a piece of gum. As I said, not my first time.

I wonder downstairs moments later, looking around the crowds of people for Ava. See this is exactly why I usually stay somewhere else when things like these go on, usually I just crash at James's for the weekend. He doesn't seem to mind. I guess I could've just left but I didn't want to leave Ava hanging. Made it this far, might as well stick it through the rest. She always begs me to come to these things with her so maybe staying for this one will get her off my back about them for a while.

"There you are," I hear ava say as I turn around. Of course, Mr. Serious and Serious 2.0 is with her. "I was looking for you," she says. "Where were you?" 

"I met with James and Nick out back for a bit," I mumble, trying not to catch too much attention. That fails though apparently since I look up to see Dominik scowling down at me. Gez, what's his problem? She nods her head with a knowing look, turning her attention back to whoever was speaking.

I stand there with her, listening to everyone chit-chat and laugh. I even join in and laugh at some of the jokes being said. Which makes Ava oddly look at me with a smile. At some point, I began to get cotton mouth, so I bump Ava's arm and excuse myself to get something to drink.

Walking into the kitchen, I see that it's empty at the moment. I take two glasses out of the cupboard, one for water and one for something a little stronger while no prying eyes are watching. Quickly, I pure some liquor into the cup before adding a little bit of whatever juice was closest. I then quickly walk towards the tap so if someone came in, they wouldn't see me at the bar cart.

As I filled my cup with some water, quickly taking a sip to get rid of this cotton mouth, I hear footsteps enter the kitchen. Chugging down the rest of the water to properly refill my cup and putting it down on the counter.

"Callie, right?" I hear from behind me. I turn to see Mr. Serious 2.0 filling his cup up at the bar cart.

I nod, taking a sip from my own mixed drink.

"Mr. Serious 2.0, right?" I glance at him, smirking.

He chuckles, shaking his head. "Let me guess, Nik is the first Mr. Serious?" He asks, my face twisted in confusion. "Sorry, Dominik I mean."  I nod answering his question.

"Makes sense." He says. "Are you enjoying everything?"

I shrug. "Not really my scene. I was actually just going to go hang out upstairs." I say grabbing my drink and heading down the hall. There was no way I wanted to continue that conversation.

A while later, I'm shaken awake by Ava, "Cal, Are you okay?"

I groan rolling over on my side. "Yes Av, I'm okay."

"What are you doing up here? Dinners almost ready."

"Just needed a break. I'll come down for dinner, just let me wake up first." I say, stretching my legs.

"Ok. I'll meet you down there?"

I hum in response, nodding my head. I sit there for a while, waking up. I turn to look over at my side and see the cup I made still there. Perfect. I down that before getting up and walking downstairs. I see Ava sitting again next to Dominik and on the other side is my free seat and then Dean next to me, ironic huh? Those two always seem to be together. My plate is already there full of food in front of me as I take my seat.

"Have a nice nap?" Ava asks, I nod taking a sip from my drink. I almost spit it out, as I wasn't expecting there to be alcohol already in it. I look around as I wipe my mouth on my sleeve, this has to be a mistake, right? I look over at Dean to see him already looking at me, he gives me a wink and a small smile before turning his attention back to his dinner. Is this his doing? One frowns on me for drinking and smoking and the other makes me a drink? What an odd duo!

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