9. Callie

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"Anything look good to you?" Dean asks as I flip through the menu. I shake my head in response. I never have much of an appetite when I'm not high. Truth be told I don't even know why I accepted their offer for lunch but something in me just couldn't say no. What is it about these two boys?

"Are you thinking about choosing something anytime soon?" Dominik speaks up, snapping me out of my daze. I just shrug, not sure really what to choose. All these options look too fancy.  "Would you like me to choose something for you?"

"Yeah, ok." I nod, feeling like the weight of choosing something too fancy or too expensive was lifted from me.

"Anything your allergic to, sweetheart?" Dean asks. I shake my head, closing and putting down the menu in front of me. I wish I could be high for this because right now I'm feeling way too out of my comfort zone.

As Dean and Dominik roam over the menus, the waiter approaches asking what we like to drink. Perfect. "I'll have a mimosa," I say. That's just what I needed at the moment but as soon as the words left my mouth, both Dean and Dominick's heads shoot up.

Dominik clears his throat as he shakes his head. "She's just kidding." He chuckles it off but there's still a scowl written all over his face. "She'll have water and we'll both take an iced tea." The waitress nods and before she could leave, Dominik orders our lunch.

"Callie," he scolds. "It's not even noon!" He says, glancing down at his watch.

"What?" I say sarcastically, holding my hands up in surrender. "I ordered a mimosa not a fricken scotch on the rocks!" I exclaim, rolling my eyes. I see Dean try to hide the little smile that crept on his face telling me that he found that kind of amusing.

"Callie you're too young to be ordering drinks like that, to begin with." Dominik goes on the explain. I just shrug and roll my eyes once again. What is it with these guys being so bossy?

Are food get there quickly and for a while we all sat and ate in silence. Weirdly enough, it wasn't an awkward silence. It wasn't until we were almost finished that Dominik spoke up.

"Callie, we wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay?" I say as I take a sip of the water.

"I think that without it being said, Dean and I both have taken an interest in you, yes?"

That sentence took me back a bit. I had a little suspicion but for him to flat-out say it to my face was a shock. And both of them? I knew they were close but how close?

"The both of you?" I ask, trying to navigate where this is going. 

"Yes. As you have probably seen, Dean and I have a close friendship. We both share taste in women and are particular likings."

"So, you share a girlfriend?"

"We have before, yes," Dean says finally chiming in.

"So, are you saying you want to share me?"

"Possibly. But we have a few other things to discuss, as well."

This conversation is absolutely throwing me through a loop. When they said they wanted to talk to me, I had half a thought they were going to lecture me about missing school or something. Which might I add, they like to do that a lot? I never thought that they were going to admit to me that they both have an interest in me and share women amongst there selves. Now I really wish I could have smoked before this because I don't know how much of this I can handle being as sober as I am.

"Do you know what BDSM is, Callie?"

This is when I freeze.  Of course, I know what it is. I've read countless books that are surrounded by the concept. But the fact that their sitting in front of me talking about it overwhelms me and I get the overwhelming urge to leave. To run.

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