2. Ava

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"Callie!" I shouted in a whisper before I rushed over to hold her steady. I knew when I looked over and saw that all-too-familiar look in her eyes, she was going to black out. "Damnit, Cal." I groan. I put her under my shoulder, prepared to help her walk upstairs. She was blacked out but still coherent, which helped since I have to get her upstairs to my bedroom without waking anyone.

"There are stairs right here, cal," I whispered, hoping she'd get the idea to lift her foot to step up. Thankfully, she understood. She seemed more out of it than usual, making me question if she had something more than just alcohol in her system.

It proved a little difficult to unlock the door while I held her up with my shoulder and all the while trying to be quiet too. With the noise of my keys all jinglingly around, I was finally able to open the door, with little to no help from her.

"Thanks for the help," I mumble to her which makes her giggle a little. I look over at her as she smiled and giggle and couldn't help but giggle myself. It was rare I saw her smile or even yet giggle at all. Yes, maybe when she was high but who doesn't giggle when they're high?

"Jesus." I hear in a whisper as footsteps approach from the hallway. "Did you guys just get home?"

I breathe a sigh of relief seeing it's only Dominic coming down the hallway. "Yes." Callie and I both say at the same time. "Do you think you can help me get her upstairs?" I ask.

"Don't need help." She stutters as she straightens out, acting as if she's not pissed drunk and is fully capable of walking up the stairs by herself.

"Come on, Cal. Just let him help before we wake my parents." She just nods as she lays her head on my shoulder. I look over at Dom with pleading eyes.

"Alright, yeah." He says in a huff. He leans down, picking up Callie's bridal style. He nods towards the stairs, motioning me to head up. I open my room door for him so he can lay down Callie on the bed.

"Thank you," I say in a whisper. "I better go get her some water and aspirin to set out for her in the morning," I say after a while of standing there looking at each other awkwardly. He nods, following me out into the hall.

"So that's Callie?" He asks after I quietly closed the door.

"That's the one."

"Is she always like this?"

"Yes. I'm pretty sure I told you that."

"You did, I just didn't think it was this bad."

"She just needs a little guidance, I think. Her parents aren't around to give that to her." I explain while filling up a glass from the tap. "I try to just be there for her."

"You're a good friend."

"Thank you. I should be getting this stuff up there. Just think about what I told you earlier, please. I think you and Dean would do her some good."

Callie's always been a little bit lost, and I think she tries to find her way through drugs and alcohol. Which may work momentarily but isn't a permanent fix. Which usually results in a vicious cycle of more drugs, alcohol, and stupid decisions. Dean and Dominic live a lifestyle that I think would really benefit her.

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