14. Dominik

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Callie has been sleeping for a total of seventeen hours since she fell asleep in Dean's arms. Since then we have gotten a feel for how to go about this situation. We have called Ava to let her in on what we know and she surprised us with what she knows. We figured out Callie hadn't been to school and hadn't stayed at her house since she ran and that she was staying with James. We asked about this James kid and who he was to her but Ava assured us that were just friends or sometimes friends with benefits. Which wasn't a delight to hear but we'll deal with that another time.

I was working on answering emails when Callie walk downstairs. I said nothing and decided to wait for her to come to me. "Hi," She said meekly, sitting down on the couch next to me while looking down at her hands, something I noticed she does when she's nervous.

My fingers stop typing as I look over at her. "Morning Callie. How are you feeling?"

She nods her head and shrugs. "Good, I guess."

She was nervous and fidgeting telling me she had something on her mind that she was scared to bring up. So I helped her, coxed it out of her.

"Something you wanna talk about?" I ask, shutting my laptop and putting it on the couch next to me.

"Where's Dean?"

"Out getting dinner. We figured you'd be up around now and you'd be hungry. We didn't know when the last time you had a good meal was."

"I've eaten! Don't be so dramatic." She sassed, glaring up at me. Ah. reminds me of the girl I met not too long ago again.

I hold my hands up as if I was surrendering. "Ok. No need to get snappy. Dean will be here soon with the food. Is that all that was bugging you?"

She looked up surprised as if she didn't think I'd notice. She shrugs, looking back down and picking at her fingernails.

"Alright then," I say taking her silence as an answer and go to open up my laptop again.

"I want to talk." She says suddenly, stopping me from going back to my emails.


"About what you guys offered at lunch." She says, taking me back. It's not like we weren't going to talk about it with her but I didn't think she'd be the one to bring it up first.

I nod. "We'll talk about it over dinner." Knowing Dean would like to be present for this conversation. She nods and we sit in there in silence. I answer some more emails and she sits there next to me picking at her fingers again.

"Cal, Stop," I say grabbing her hand in mine, stopping her from fidgeting.

"Sorry," She mumbles under her breath. Just as she did, the front door opens.

"I'm home!" Dean calls out as he set the takeout on the kitchen counter. He stops suddenly as he sees Callie and me sitting on the couch. "Oh. Hi Cal, how'd you sleep?"

"Good." She shrugs again. A small smile creeps on my lips when I see her start to fidget with her fingers again but stop herself.

"Dinners here if you're hungry."

"I've eaten since then!" She snaps once again, surprising dean.

"I didn't say you haven't, Cal but why don't you come sit and we'll eat together," Dean says gently.

Callie and I get up off the couch and go to sit at the counter. She goes to sit next to him while I sit across from them. "Callie told me that she wanted to talk about what we offered her at lunch."

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