21. Dominik

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After coming home from the office last night, Dean let me know what was going on with Callie. He had sent me a text once he arrived at the West's house that he could see Callie smoking from the upstairs window. As she is allowed to have a smoke every once in a while but with permission from us. She could have easily texted us or called and asked but she choose not to. I understood a little better once Dean explained the conversation they had together. Are girl missed us and didn't know how to properly communicate that. Callie's not good at the whole talking about her feelings things yet but she needs to learn that if she just tells us what she needs, it would be a whole lot easier for her and us.

Once I got home, Dean and I discussed what kind of repercussion she'll get, and we decide on lines. She'll have to write her rules down fifty times and highlight the ones she broke. We figured it would be a good first punishment for her since she's still learning how all this works.

"You finishing up?" I ask as I pass the kitchen table, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"Mhm," she says humming, not even looking up from her paper. I cleared my throat, arching my eyebrow at her. She takes the cue, looking up at me. "Yes sir." She says, correcting herself.

"Was there something particular that you wanted for dinner tonight?"

"Nothing that I can think of."

"How's Pizza sound? Maybe give Dean a break from cooking?" I ask, sitting down at the table in front of her. My cooking skills are useless, and Dean will be home later than usual, so I thought I'd make things a little easier for him when he gets home.

"Sounds good." She says all her focus was on the lines she was writing. "Done!" She scoots her notebook in front of me. I nodded, getting up from the table to grab a highlighter from the pen holder by the phone. "Now highlight the rules you broke." She grabs the highlighter from me and does so and hands it back to me.

"Great. Now can you tell me the two rules you broke?" I ask, reading over the paper.

"Can't you just read them?" She says with a little attitude. She doesn't like to be punished, noted. Maybe if she doesn't like it much, then she'll learn to better behave and follow the rules.

"I can but I would like you to say them to me, please."

"I had a cigarette without running by the two of you first. And I need to learn how to better communicate with you guys." She says, a little grumpily.

"Good. Now what should you do if you feel the need to smoke?"

"Ask you or Dean."

"Okay. And how should you go about doing that?"

"Communicate with you, guys."

"Good girl," I say, praising her. By the little redness that tinted her cheeks, I could tell that she very much liked being praised. Noted, Cal. "Now what do you want on your pizza?" I say trying to distract her from not thinking too much into it.

The pizza got delivered before Dean got home so we ate without him but saved him a piece. We ate together on the couch while watching a movie. I knew that once Dean got home, he'd want to see her lines too. I don't think she knew that she's having to go through that process all over again but that's what you get when you have two Doms. I know she won't be too happy about it either.

At some point in the movie, Cal snuggled up close to me. Tucking her feet under her and laying her head on my shoulder. A surprise to me, to say the least. But it made me feel like we were finally getting somewhere with her. She was thawing at the idea of being close to us.

Dean walks in an hour into the movie, dropping his keys and coat at the respective places by the door. "Hey." He says with a small smile, probably from seeing Callie curled up next to me.

"Hey, man. We left some pizza for you. The box is in the kitchen."

"Thanks." He says before leaning down to kiss Callie on her forehead. "Hey, Cal."

"Hi, Dean." She says, leaning up to wrap her arms around him, giving him a tight hug. She was being incredibly soft today. I had an idea why, but I wasn't so sure. Most subs do tend to be soft and very submissive after a punishment, but they tend to be from a harsher punishment than just writing lines. But every sub reacts differently and that may just be how Callie is. I'm not complaining one bit. I always said she had a natural submissive nature underneath all that attitude and sass.

Dean gives me a look like he's equally confused about her behavior, but I had a feeling that when he sees her notebook on the counter next to the pizza box, he'll figure out why.

Sure enough, he does. "Hey, Cal. Can you come here for a sec?"

She untucks herself from beside me, instantly making me miss her warmth, and walks to him in the kitchen. She goes over it with him once more, this time a whole lot more patient than she was with me.

"Alright, Cal. Good girl." He says, instantly making me turn around to watch her reaction. He gives a kiss to her hair; the praise once again goes to her cheeks.

"I have to use the bathroom really quick," she says, clearing her throat. Obviously, she was a bit affected by the praise and seems a little embarrassed by it. Nothing to mop be embarrassed about, sweet girl.

"Alright. Go on ahead and we'll start the movie when you get back." She nods and heads down the hall toward the bathroom.

"Our girl likes to be praised," he says walking over to the couch with a slice of cold pizza in his hand. "For some reason, I didn't expect that. I thought for sure, she would scowl at me for the comment."

She comes back from the bathroom and sits right between Dean and me. This time cuddles up to Dean, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to see her finally opening up a bit. Eventually, she falls asleep with her head on Dean's chest. We debated on waking her up and taking her back to Ava's but decided on letting her sleep in the guest room tonight. Although, sometime in the near future, that will be her room. Dean picks her up and carries her bridal style to the room, laying her on the bed. Picking up the throw blanket that was at the end of the bed and covering her with it.

Hi guys! Sorry not the best chapter but I rewrote it so many times, I started to get tired of it. So here ya go.

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