10. Dominik

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"Callie!" I call out to her as she is running out of the restaurant. I knew we took our chances on telling her like this, but I never thought she'd react like this. Maybe in disgust, I can see. Not a lot of people understand the lifestyle.

"Let her go," Dean says from behind me. "Let's give her some time to think about this."

The look on her face when we mentioned it, gave me some kind of idea that she knows about it. Well, her running off as she did also gave me that idea. She wouldn't run if she had no idea what it was about. Dean and I finish up and pay for the bill. Neither of us says anything to each to each other because we already know what each other is thinking.  We wish it went any other way than that.

We go on with our afternoon as planned but we both couldn't help but feel the dark cloud over us that dampened our mood. We took a look at several potential houses that we wanted to see before we pick up and move here. Both of us have jobs lined up for us here and it wouldn't make sense for us to travel every day from the homes we currently have.

After looking at a few and not liking any of them, we decide to call it a day. Right now, we can only hope that Callie will come around to the idea of being our sub and that we'd find a house when that happens. Hopefully, we can have a little chat about it when we get to the West's household.

"Have you seen Callie?" Ava asks running up to us as we open the front door. Dean and I both look at each other as soon as the words left her mouth.

"We thought she'd be with you?"

Ava shakes her head frantically. "She's not. She wasn't here when I came home from school, and I haven't been able to get ahold of her. Have you guys seen her at all today?"

We both take a deep breath, ready to explain ourselves. "We took her to lunch today to talk to her and she didn't have the best reaction. She ran out of the restaurant."

"And you just let her leave!"

"We wanted to give her space to think things over. We thought we'd see her back here later and have a chance to explain things further to her."

"You guys are idiots! This is Callie we're talking about. She doesn't think things over, she runs. Run from them and right into anything that will take her mind off it!" Ava says, shouting at us as she climbs the stairs back to her room.

Both dean and I look at each out again, loss for words. Maybe we really didn't think this through. But at the same time, Callie needs to do whatever she needs to do before she'll even consider our offer. She's stubborn and likes to do things her own way. I just hope that whatever she needs to do isn't what I think it is.

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