"I'm afraid that's not for you to decide, Miss Walton. The calls from the love of my life are sacred. I'd rather lose a deal than miss our chat."

Love expanded through my center. My eyes pinched with tears, and I stepped out of Rys's line of vision, using getting leftover pasta from the fridge as an excuse for not letting him see me.

"Lyra?" His warm voice floated around the room. "Come back here."

I showed him the food. "My dinner. I needed to get it."

"Are you sure it was only that?"

I wasn't. Because Christmas was around the corner, and I was too busy with both my job and Master's degree to fly home. Mom and Dad would visit in January, but I didn't want to put extra pressure on Rys when he already had enough with managing two companies at the same time since August. The end of the year was just as busy for him as it was for me, if not more.

Rys sighed. "Tell me the truth. Is it work? Studies?"

I shoved the dish in the microwave and set the timer. "I got promoted to a manager. That's why I got home late."

A smile replaced Rys's concerned frown, relaxing his features. "Congratulations. That's amazing, baby. Did you accept?"

"Of course. It's a great opportunity."

"Just make sure you still have some time to rest. I don't want you to burn out."

"Ditto." I cocked my head. "Something tells me you ignore your own advice."

Rys rubbed his face with his palms. "Not by choice, mi cielo."

The microwave dinged. I got my dinner, and as Rys shifted in his chair, I caught a glimpse of the seashell heart we made on the shelf behind him.

"Rys," I said when he observed me without saying a word.


"I love you."

His tender gaze warmed me through the screen. "I love you more."


Despite going to bed earlier than usual, sitting through my last classes of the term had been a daunting task. Lucky for me, Angelo Rizzo school didn't have exams, just projects, but creating original jewelry applying what we learned required just as much time and effort.

After saying goodbye to my friends, I took the subway home. I had just enough time for lunch before work, and if I ate fast, I could squeeze in a fifteen-minute nap.

On my street, I marched past several restaurants, ignoring both the biting wind and delicious aromas reminding me I'd gone too long without eating.

My building came into view. I got the key from my purse, ready to open the door, but it took one more step for me to freeze on the sidewalk.

A familiar figure clad in a stylish black coat stood next to the entrance, and I broke into a sprint in its direction.


He met me halfway, picking me up from the ground and hugging me tightly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips. Rys kissed me — forehead, lips, jaw, and pulled the spare key to my apartment I'd given him from his coat pocket. His touch and scent served as reassurance that it was really him, and I wasn't dreaming, but I didn't utter a word until the door of my apartment closed behind us, and he gently put me down.

"Hi, mi cielo."

Tears leaked from my eyes. Rys hugged me once more, sighing with his mouth pressed to my forehead. "Lyra...Please, don't."

"It's happy tears. You just stunned me. I didn't expect to see you."

Rys rid us of our coats, hung them, and took my hand, leading me to the couch. "I couldn't take it anymore," he said as we sat. "I missed you too much."

"What about the company?" I cupped his jaw. "I know how busy you are."

Rys glided his fingers down my neck. "I'll be just as busy here."


He continued his unhurried exploration of my shoulders and arms as if he couldn't resist touching me. "My father's back at the office, and it was high time I paid my Italian subsidiary a visit. Plus, several Italian companies similar to Ingvel are interested in what we can offer, and building a few more hotels here wouldn't hurt. That should keep me busy for a few months."

"A few months?"

"I might need to fly back once or twice," Rys said. "Preferably when you can travel. But I'm staying because, like I said, I can't stand being apart any longer."

It was another of those moments when words failed me despite my newfound confidence, but with Rys, I didn't need to worry. I molded my lips against his, and he slid his hands under my shirt, gently pushing me onto my back.

As he parted my legs with his knee and palmed my breasts through the lace bra, I stifled a whimper, surrendering to his hands. It'd been months of phone sex and pleasuring myself to the sound of his voice, but I missed his touch and the heat of his body. And now he was here.

Rys kissed my neck, slipping his fingers under my bra. Each deliberate caress put my nerve endings on high alert, but I caught a glimpse of the clock, and reality broke the spell.

"Baby," I ran my hands down the length of Rys's back. "We have twenty minutes."

He unlatched his mouth from my skin and looked at me, his blue eyes soft. 

"No, mi cielo. We have a lifetime."


And now, this is the end

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And now, this is the end. Thank you for loving Rys and Lyra's story. They quickly became one of my favorite couples, and I hope you loved them just as much. 

I'd be super grateful if you shared your thoughts with me, telling me what your favorite things about the story are or anything you'd love to share. 

I have several projects to tackle offline, but  Asher and Kaia are most likely to be the next ones although their book is a complete standalone. For writing updates and news, please follow me as alwynk_author on Instagram. I'm active there and  I'll be happy to see you and chat with you.

Once again, thank you for supporting my work.



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