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Rys's hands were filled with shopping bags of party clothes when we left the boutique.

"You spent too much on me," I said, curling my hands around his biceps.

He kissed my forehead. "Our definitions of too much differ."

"Right." I sighed. "At least you made Lynn happy with the tip."

"And you? Did I make you happy?"

"Of course. It's the most spectacular dress I've ever worn. The shoes too, but I'll need to rehearse walking in them at home tomorrow."

"I'll give your feet a good massage after the event," Rys said, unlocking his car. He left the bags in it and spun to face me. "Do you feel like walking to the marina? We could have lunch at a restaurant I love."


Rys wrapped his hand around mine, and we strolled down the busy street. At the marina, cries of seagulls and murmur of the ocean filled my ears, and my stomach reacted with a growl to the mouth-watering aromas wafting from the nearby restaurants.

Rys led the way to a modern, white-walled building. The waiter greeted us with a smile and led us to the terrace that offered a view of the sea and docked yachts swaying on gentle waves.

After we sat, Rys ordered white wine and leafed through the leather-bound menu.

"I was thinking about trying their fish. Is that okay with you?"

"The fish looks great."

The server returned and filled our glasses with wine. I roamed my surroundings with my eyes while Rys told him what we wanted. As the man left, I took a sip of Chardonnay and focused my attention on Rys, who watched me with a smile, rubbing the stem of his glass.

"What?" I asked.

He moved his head from side to side. "Just enjoying the view. We need to do this more often."

"This as in you spending obscene amounts on things for me?"

Rys chuckled, bringing the drink to his lips. "This as in you and me spending time together. And please stop worrying about the money, mi cielo. Last time I checked, I had more than enough. Besides..."

The waiter put a plate with oysters on the table.

"Besides?" I asked as he left.

"I asked you to accompany me, and it's safe to say no guest will be underdressed at that event."

"Who do you need to impress there, Mr. Delano? My parents took me to enough of those parties to know it's always business mixed with pleasure."

Rys quirked his lips. "If I'm honest with you, some people there will likely try to impress me, not the other way around."

"But you said it's a business opportunity. I still don't see what hotels and yachts have in common other than, you know, the luxury."

Rys picked up a lemon wedge and squeezed the juice onto the oysters.

"Try this first," he said, bringing one to my lips.

Laughing, I trapped the edge of the shell between my teeth and tipped my head back so the oyster would slip into my mouth.

I put the empty shell on a plate, and Rys breathed a chuckle as he took an oyster for himself. "Let's see if I can repeat the trick."

I cracked up when he mimicked my unladylike way of eating and handed him a napkin. "You need to work on your aim, Mr. Delano. You've got some juice on your chin."

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