Elements of Pollution Part 1

Start from the beginning

"EWW!" Comedia gasped. "Gross!"

Even the lake was disgusting! It was all green and filled with even more garbage! It felt all sticky and gooey too, and Comedia was beginning to sink like in quicksand.

"Oh no! Myra! Master Windu! Someone! HELP!"

Comedia whinnied as loudly as she could to call for help. Fortunately, that was when Kade and Brenda arrived, and they panicked when they saw Comedia in danger!

Brenda immediately got out her phone and called emergency services for help while Kade ran for Mace and Myra.

"Time to put what I've taught you to the test." Mace told his daughter. "We gotta buy her time. Concentrate on Comedia."

But, Myra had never lifted a living being before, much less anything nearly as big as a horse, even a young one.

"Help me!" Comedia screamed, coughing as the pollution was starting to make it hard for her to breathe.

Mace and Myra concentrated together and started to lift Comedia out from the gunk, that proving difficult as whatever was in the lake was really sticky.

"Did someone dump a jug of glue into the lake or something?!" Myra gasped as she struggled to keep a grip on Comedia.

"Worse," said Mace. "This park is full of pollution."

Comedia tried to spread out her wings so she could fly out, but her wings were stuck to her side because of the gunk.

"I can't fly!" Comedia said, coughing more. "What is all this stuff?!"

Comedia whinnied in pain as she felt something scratching into her body.

"Something's poking me!"

"Don't worry, Comedia. Medics are on the way!" Brenda promised. "Just hang on. Don't move."

Medics soon arrived. Medical droids and veterinarians arrived quickly to tend to the alicorn princess.

The doctors carefully started to clean Comedia up, but the young mare was panicking too.

"Stay, girl." said one of the vets. "It's okay."

Comedia was coughing and whinnying weakly. All the garbage was definitely making her very sick. There was gunk and garbage all over her body and in her mane. And to make things worse, they found that the thing that had been poking her were shards of broken glass thrown into the lake that jabbed themselves into Comedia's side near her front left shoulder. She was scarred really bad.

Kade was definitely traumatized by this sight, and so was his sister.

Comedia had to be taken to the animal hospital to get stitches and a full checkup. Master Windu immediately called Master Mundi to let him know where his daughter was. And he also called Gabby to ask her if she could meet them there to heal Comedia.

The Windu family sat in the waiting room as Ki-Adi paced around in circles, looking very worried, on the verge of having a heart attack. As soon as he heard the words 'hospital' and 'Comedia' in the same sentence, he nearly had a heart attack. He fell onto Petro and knocked him down as he fainted, and the other younglings threw water on his face, which made him get up and go rushing to the hospital.

It felt like days to Master Mundi as he awaited what had become of his daughter.

"Master Mundi, will you calm down already?" Myra said.

"Calm down? My daughter is in the hospital, and you're asking me to calm down?!"

"Hey, I'm worried about Comedia too. But she needs you not to be panicking right now."

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