Hypno-Sisters Part 2

Start from the beginning

"So... what do you think of homeschooling?" Gabby asked.

"It's okay, I guess." Omega shrugged. "It's more interesting here than it was back in Kamino."

"You know, when it was just me and Boba, we used to homeschool together with Threepio."

"What was that like?"

Gabby giggled as she thought back and told Omega all about her days of homeschooling. All the times she and Boba gave poor Threepio a hard time by sneaking away from lessons, sometimes using what they learned to tease him, and even when R2-D2 assisted in their lessons.

"It was a lot more fun when R2 joined in." Gabby said. "He could remix things and dance around with Remix and Carousella to make it more fun."

"And now that you got to go to real school?" Omega asked.

"It's okay. It's nice. I really like being with other kids and all the things I'd only seen in schools on TV. Circle time, snack time, arts and crafts, gym class. All that fun stuff. But now it's gonna be a while until they fix all the damage to the school."

"The faculty did say that they'd still make sure that graduation would still go on as planned in a few months, though."

Gabby realized quickly that she hadn't thought about it. Boba and Omega were eighth graders, which meant they would be graduating this year and going to high school next fall. That meant they wouldn't be going to the same school anymore. It made Gabby wonder how things were going to change between her and her siblings. Lamenta's friend Lee Ali had a sister who was in high school. They shared a room, but they did not get along so well.

According to Lamenta, Lee Ali and her sister Naya were always getting on each other's nerves. Naya was always hogging the bathroom, doing her makeup, styling her hair, and she always took forever to choose an outfit for school, which made Lee Ali run late for school, and arguments with their parents. And Naya was always complaining whenever her parents made her babysit Lee Ali, especially when she wanted to hang out with her friends. She was surprised their parents didn't just hire someone else to babysit Lee Ali by now, especially since Naya had lost Lee Ali at the mall, forgot to pick her up from school (which led to Lee Ali calling Lamenta to ask if someone in her family could give her a ride, as that incident was only a month ago), and got a ticket for texting while driving a speeder.

But, Gabby brushed that off, Omega and Boba weren't Naya. For one thing, neither of them were into makeup, neither of them even had their learner's permits (even if they did, they weren't reckless enough to text while driving; neither of them even texted while riding their horses, and the horses have eyes of their own), and the only time Gabby recalled she and Boba ever arguing was when they couldn't agree on what movie to watch, when either of them were emotionally scarred in some way, or when they were fighting over who got their turn with something.

Gabby and Omega, however, they'd never fought over anything (not that she'd ever want them to be fighting). Not yet, anyway.

Omega, on the other hand, was still processing the fact that she had sisters now, and she'd been adopted months ago. She still wasn't sure what to think of it.

All her life, Omega had been around primarily boys, which might have contributed to her tomboy personality. The only female she'd really known was Nala Se, but she didn't really teach Omega much of the typical female things other than female biology. But when she was brought to the palace, Omega got to try on different clothes at the mall, ride a pony, and try out different accessories in her hair. Her favorite one so far was a pretty sun hairclip her grandmother Shmi bought for her recently.

Omega had never received a lot of presents when she was younger. But when she had her first ever birthday party with Boba, she and her twin got so many presents, it took them both three days to unwrap all of them and find a place to put everything. And then Life Day, she got more great gifts. But, it surprised her when there were moments someone in her family gave her a present "just because" as they said. It confused her at first, but her parents and grandparents told her that any day could be a special occasion if you decided to make it one. You didn't need to wait for a birthday, an anniversary, holiday, or graduation to give someone a present. And if you had to give the present a title, just call it an 'I Love You' gift. It didn't matter the cost or what the item was, as long as it came from the heart.

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